[7/16] Monday Night Pi'Raw - Are You Sure You Want To Cancel Your Subscription?


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
What on Earth was the point of the Extreme Rules match?! If They arefonna do it again next week... this company man


Roman needs his win back, it will just so happen to have a title shot attached to it, go figure. :martin:

exactly, as soon as they announced the match I knew this would be the outcome. If you think about it, Roman was the only one of the 6 that came out last night that didn't ask for brock or a title shot and they give him a title shot anyway..

So, if he doesn't show up tonight I'm stripping him of the title turned into he'll have a match in a month:russ:

I think Kurt fukked up at Extreme rules and they just ran with it, he could of just made the match at SS and said if he didn't show up he would be stripped. smh

Why won't the writers just put Bayley and Sasha in a feud? It's getting ridiculous now.

I was saying the same thing, why would they force them into tag team matches like their is a legit womens tag division..:ohhh: oh wait is their a womens tag belt being released at SS?