All Star
Dude said he saw dude was a clown but put his integrity to the side to try to get on with a 69 co sign. I dunno man. What happened to 'not every check is a good check?' If u saying u saw all that shyt beforehand yet did it anyway, what does that say about your integrity? It forces me to acknowledge that had 69 not gotten booked, he would still have those same feelings privately but would still be cool with him publicly. He's admitting "im the type of person who will think the worse of you but will act like we cool if we getting money together" And thats not something u say outloud. Also....How could I feel sorry for your mans who got caught up when u admit u thought he was a clown beforehand? Your man was around someone u thought was a clown yet you didnt go out of your way to stop them. So why should I feel for ya man getting caught up by someone u saw beforehand as a clown? Plus that thing about his attitude knowing dudes was catching gun charges was even more of a warning yet he kept fuking with him. SMH. I'm just saying.....Thats what I get from hearing him tell his side on this song.