Years ago when I lived in California I had a pretentious coworker that annoyed the hell out of me.
One day he comes in the office talking about how he got a chocolate lab and that dog owners were healthier and lived longer than non-pet owners.
This guy was like 45 and a solid 330 lbs.
If having a dog made you healthier because you take them for walks...we wouldn't be obese as hell, given all the dogs in this country.
But I find this ironic.
If having a dog is supposed to reduce obesity in Americans, how funny is it that it wound up that having American owners made dogs obese?

One day he comes in the office talking about how he got a chocolate lab and that dog owners were healthier and lived longer than non-pet owners.
This guy was like 45 and a solid 330 lbs.
If having a dog made you healthier because you take them for walks...we wouldn't be obese as hell, given all the dogs in this country.
But I find this ironic.
If having a dog is supposed to reduce obesity in Americans, how funny is it that it wound up that having American owners made dogs obese?