Some sisters do need to recognize their double standards when it comes to them being with White men. Saying Black men are being fetishized, but acting like the same thing does not happen to them when White men pursue them exposes their hypocrisy. Also need to stop it with the disingenuous argument that they are not being protected over issues like this, when many of them refuse to listen to those who tried to protect them from these outcomes.
That girl was failed by her mother and her grandmother, and they both made sure she ignored her father. So in this case, how was she suppose to be protected when her protection was pushed to the side in favor of her being able to marry what they considered to be a rich old White man? Can't use the Malcom X statement for this issue, unless you are also going to point out the ones who actually made sure she was not protected (The elder women in her life). Her father actually tried to protect her, but the women around her encouraged her to ignore him.