shyt it's probably around 70% tbh. A lot of sexual abuse happens in lower middle to lower class households and neighborhoods. Has nothing to do with the race of the people, mostly the conditions they're living in. I know a lot of BW who were molested by uncles, cousins, and their moms boyfriends/husbands so I'm not surprised by that number at all.
It's no way 70% of BW are sexually assaulted. That's 3 in 4 and like saying every black man is a rapist basically, which is nonsense. The gullibility of the fools on this forum is jarring.
Let me show you how stupid and asinine your made up (70% you made up) stat is:Do you think the black men in this thread molest black girls?
Because that is the only way 70%, 3 of 4 black girls, are molested (unless u blame non black men which u probably can for a significant of sexual assaults on BW; white male rape cases of BW get pleaded down to assault most of the time).
Just this week a black girl on Facebook Live,,, named Honey Ma claimed she was raped by an Asian guy in Brooklynn. nikkas on Facebook Live laughed at her because she is a self hating c00n who led herself into getting raped by a small weak Asian, but she was nevertheless raped. Nothing to do with BM though; she chose to let an Asian into her place, and the use and rape her. She was up for at least an hour attacking black men for teling her that Asians don't like black women unless for easy sex or usage.