6 Redneck Mississippi Cops Torture 2 Black Caregivers in Home.


May 1, 2012

The horrors the two men endured—as well as the text messages and other details in this report—were included in the federal court document filed on July 31. The six officers were charged with a combined 13 felonies in connection with “the torture and physical abuse” of the two men that night, the Justice Department said in a news release. The officers, who had been fired or had resigned after the incident, pleaded guilty to all charges against them in federal court last Thursday.

Some of the officers involved even called themselves “The Goon Squad” because of their willingness to “use excessive force” and not report it, according to the federal document.

The former officers also pleaded guilty Monday to state charges. All six faced a charge of conspiracy to commit obstruction of justice, four with obstruction of justice in the first degree, two were charged with home invasion, and one with aggravated assault.

Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division said, “No human being should ever be subjected to the kind of torturous, traumatizing and horrific acts of violence that were carried out by these law enforcement officers.”


not redeemed with gold but with His Blood
Mar 11, 2022
Caçs just can't help themselves (no matter the repercussions...video, harsher penalties, ETC). :mjpls:

That's why if given the opportunity, and you find yourself in a similar, Alabama type predicament, split their fukkin wig.
350 years ago, The direct ancestors of these deep South redneck crackers were dirty, cruel, bloodthirsty, stupid, reckless and violent savages back in their native lands of origin(Scotland, England and Ireland.)

A leopard cannot change his spots. And a savage and filthy cac can't change his blood, biology and genetic/hereditary predispositions. Remember that.


May 1, 2012

The invasion and assault

After the officers entered the Conerly Road home that night, neither Jenkins nor Parker resisted.
The federal charging document describes how the two men were tased, handcuffed and then tased again and again.
Dedmon demanded Parker tell him where drugs were stashed in the house, and Parker said there were no drugs. Pulling out his gun, Dedmon fired a bullet into the wall of the adjoining laundry room before ordering Parker a second time to reveal the drugs. Parker, again, insisted there were no drugs.

Brett McAlpin

Brett McAlpin

Forrest County Adult Detention Center/AP
The officers then hauled the two men into the living room where all six men and accused them of taking advantage of the White woman who owned the house. They warned them to stay out of Rankin County and go back to “their side” of the Pearl River, referring to neighborhoods with a higher population of Black residents. Dedmon repeatedly drive-stunned Jenkins – placing the Taser in direct contact with his body – while the two Black men were being taunted.

Meanwhile, Opdyke searched the house and kicked open a bedroom door where he found a dildo and a BB gun. Opdyke mounted the dildo on the end of the gun and brought it into the living room.
Dedmon took the dildo and slapped Jenkins and Parker in the face with it. He threatened to rape the men with the device, but stopped when he realized Jenkins had defecated on himself.
Elward then held Jenkins and Parker down on the floor of the living room while Dedmon poured milk, alcohol and chocolate syrup into their mouths. Dedmon poured cooking grease on Parker’s head. Elward threw eggs at both men.

The officers next forced them to disrobe and shower together “to wash away evidence of abuse” before they were brought to jail, the charging document said.
The abuse continued in a bedroom, where Opdyke, Middleton, Dedmon and McAlpin assaulted Parker with pieces of wood and a metal sword.
Dedmon, Middleton, Hartfield and Elward then began to tase the two men repeatedly to see “which (Taser) was the most powerful,” the document said. Elward’s Taser was discharged eight times; Hartfield’s five; and Dedmon’s four.
Then, Dedmon fired into the yard.
Elward removed a bullet from his gun, forced Jenkins onto his knees and put the gun into his mouth. Elward fired the gun, which did not discharge.
He racked the slide, put the gun back in Jenkins’ mouth and pulled the trigger again.
The bullet lacerated Jenkins’ tongue, broke his jaw and went out through his neck.