primary debates are somewhat worthy to watch, but general election debates not so much..... if you're a vegan and you're choosing between two restaurants, the 5 star steakhouse or the 3 star vegan joint, you're going to the 3 star vegan joint.... and vice versa....Not sure if I want to watch, My Dad wants me to come and watch at his house
Was telling him how when I first started watching the debates around 2011/2012, to get into politics, it felt entertaining, but also like I was learning something. Maybe it's just age, maybe I did learn what I needed to, but it feels different in 2024. It's all like a spectacle for consumers. Will this really move the needle on the race? or is this just a ratings/commentary/political class exercise?
but the consumers are not really the voting public at large. Most of the people I know, will never watch the debates. They will see clips. which is another dangerous kind of thing. They don't even know where to watch the debate.
and if they DID watch, is it really a good thing if one liners and punch lines would cause someone to switch votes?
some of us are watching this debate for the entertainment value..... and some of us are just hoping biden doesn't have a mcconnell moment during the debate