Sounds like people have been judging crowd reaction by agenda instead of reality. 

Bryan's small (though not nearly as small as I would have thought), but he could be a big star if only because he carries himself like a heavyweight champion ready to knock someone's head off. He had the entire crowd's attention during his promo (lots of "Yes"ing as well during his segments), and he didn't get booed at all even though the crowd was clearly more into Orton all night.
That weak link shyt is already played out and annoying. Stop doing it.
U got to have more common sense than this .It's all leading to more shyt poppin off...Summerslam set ups.
Kaitlyn got cocky and loss and now she's snapping? Everything with Bryan is leading to an eventual title that has to play out. But you can tell from commentary and the way things are presented, he's treated like the big story in the WWE alongside Lesnar returning.
It might be a heel turn sign...and proving yourself to be tough is not whiny. It's not wanting to look weak..thats why he's facing 3 guys at once.
They also discussed punk and heyman the whole showDuring Punk's match, they were talking about Daniel Bryan too. We all know that Lesnar and Punk is gonna happen at Summerslam..that's common sense. I'm talking about the best in the industry..Daniel Bryan though.