6/21 SD! Spoilers - Weak Link edition


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
* Daniel Bryan opens SmackDown and talks about how he's never had a match stopped due to injury like he did on RAW. Bryan says they stopped the match because he is the weakest link. Bryan wants to prove he's not the weakest link by defeating Randy Orton tonight. Orton comes out and says he helped Bryan up out of respect. Orton says Bryan will have to be stretchered out tonight.

* Curtis Axel vs. Wade Barrett and Alberto Del Rio vs. Chris Jericho is announced for tonight.

* Sheamus defeated Cody Rhodes with the Cloverleaf submission. After the match, Damien Sandow beats Sheamus down.

* Another promo for The Wyatt Family.

* Curtis Axel beat Wade Barrett with the Intercontinental Title on the line. The Miz was on commentary.

* AJ Lee defeated Natalya.

* Backstage segment with Aksana teasing Kaitlyn about AJ's win. Kaitlyn attacks her and goes crazy until Layla breaks it up.

* Alberto Del Rio vs. Chris Jericho ends when Ricardo Rodriguez interferes and Dolph Ziggler attacks Del Rio for the DQ. Del Rio escapes the ring and Jericho hits Ziggler with a Codebreaker. Del Rio comes back to kick Ziggler and pose over him.

* Christian defeated Drew McIntyre with Killswitch. After the match, Christian cuts a promo about being back. The Shield enter the ring through the crowd and hit the triple powerbomb on him.

* We get a replay of Brock Lesnar attacking CM Punk on RAW. Renee Young interviews Paul Heyman backstage about what happened.

* Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton is up next. Orton dominates most of the match. They end up on the floor and Bryan hits a suicide dive. Bryan wins by count out. After the match, Bryan demands that the match be restarted because he didn't want it to end that way. The referee refuses and that's the end of SmackDown.

No clue if the backstage altercation with HHH is legit (still sound iffy no matter what dirtsheets say) but D-Bry getting that push no matter what :bryan:

CC working against The Shield :blessed: :blessed:

Jericho/Ziggler/ADR for MITB? :leon:

No Mizzark though :birdman:


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Kaitlyn got cocky and loss and now she's snapping? Everything with Bryan is leading to an eventual title shot..so that has to play out. But you can tell from commentary and the way things are presented, he's treated like the big story in the WWE alongside Lesnar returning.


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
Thats a weak ass smackdown :heh:

Yeah. They should've booked some kind of confrontation between Punk and Heyman or at least make Henry destroy somebody and cut a promo.

As much as I love D-Bry getting the spotlight, they shouldn't end a show with an ending like that one.


May 2, 2012
Smackdown has been on fire for the weeks and more they come with this weak shyt? :comeon:

What happened to Wade Barrett? He was supposed to be one of the top heels in the WWE. Dude is straight Heath Slater status right now.


Oct 19, 2012
Thought it was Bryan vs. Ambrose? Or am I trippin? :dahell:


Dum Shiny
May 1, 2012
SoCal State Beaches
Just got back from this SmackDown...

I ended up late to the Nutter Center due to a flat tire, but got there before the Main Event tapings, so all I believe I missed was a Prime-Time Players Dark Match/Superstars match, which they won.

The Nutter Center was about 60% or so full, and they ended up tarping off the upper deck on the entire hard camera side and on half of the side facing the stage. I'd say that there were about 6000-6500 at the taping. Lots of kids and quite a few Blacks, which I didn't quite expect. Just about everyone was into the WWE narrative, which meant babyfaces mostly got cheered (with exactly one glaring exception) and heels got booed all night.

I ended up sitting in the literal closest seat to the stage, which meant I was right by the pyro. While there were only two uses of the pyro (after the Usos entered, the stagehands were fukking with it all night, so I assume this meant that it malfunctioned at some point. I'd say probably when Jericho came out, because Jericho tron came on as Natalya was going to the back, and they basically panicked, stopped selling and RAN to the back to avoid the pyro, which never went off), it was goddamned loud and, in the case of the Uso's entrance, very hot as well. This also means that the entrance camera was facing me every time that I entered, so you might see me in my shytty glasses and hipster flannel doing something outrageous and stupid on Friday night with my section, which consisted of drunken white people and a good looking chick in a CM Punk t-shirt. Excellent ice breaker, that was (I'll recount the funnier moments below).

So, the Main Event matches were:

The Shield def. The Usos and Justin Gabriel. Decent match, nothing special. The Shield actually entered from outside the Nutter Center altogether, as they chained off the entrance to two sections before the taping started (which was a bytch, since my seat was in the very next section). Ambrose got the pin on Gabriel with the Headlock DDT. Only thing to note is that The Usos were actually pretty over with the kids there. There might be something to giving them a push and seeing how they get over.

Antonio Cesaro w/Zeb Colter def. Sin Cara. Good, long match. Zeb did his usual schtick before the match. Antonio wasn't that over, but people were very into Sin Cara's lucha, which looked very good with Cesaro acting as a base. No real botches, and Cara got a lot of offense in. Cesaro finally won with the Swinging Neck Crank into the Neutralizer.

Kaitlyn def. Aksana. Everything you'd expect to happen here happened. No one knew who Aksana was, Kaitlyn wasn't that over, Kaitlyn won with the Spear. The end.

The SmackDown taping:

The taping was insignificant, but pretty fun. Not a hot crowd, but not a dead crowd either. I had a good time, but if I were in a dead section, I might have been more bored. :yeshrug:

Since you have the results, I'll fill in some thoughts...

Bryan's small (though not nearly as small as I would have thought), but he could be a big star if only because he carries himself like a heavyweight champion ready to knock someone's head off. He had the entire crowd's attention during his promo (lots of "Yes"ing as well during his segments), and he didn't get booed at all even though the crowd was clearly more into Orton all night. Promo was basic, though I'm getting really sick of Bryan acting like a dikk during promos.

What a jobber Cody Rhodes is. :aicmon: Match was nothing special, but Sheamus was really fukking over. Like REALLY over. I'd say that Orton got the better reaction overall, but the crowd loved Sheamus more overall (this will make sense further into the report). Sandow was great working the apron as well. As a matter of fact, Sandow was great all around here. Without his pedestrian ring work marring my view of him, I can see why so many people take to him. Great presence, great look, great character, and great portrayal of his character. He could've been a really good manager in another era.

Other promos that were shown throughout the night: TWO Total Divas promos, neither of which got any sort of reaction, and a RVD promo, which did get a decent pop out of the crowd.

Barely anyone cared about Axel vs. Barrett, or Miz for that matter. Shortish match that Axel won NOT with the Perfectplex, but with his shytty McGillicutter. :MiSu: Match was cool for what it was, but what a jobber Wade Barrett turned out to be. Miz confronted Axel afterward, but Heyman pulled Axel to the back.

AJ got a pop from the crowd, just so you know. Big E's attire still looks completely ridiculous in person. Other than that, nothing of note happened here. AJ won with her Manjigatame (Black Widow).

No one cares about the Kaitlyn backstage segment, especially when she doesn't sell it during the Main Event match. :snoop:

Del Rio/Jericho was a decent to pretty good TV match. The heel turn hadn't quite taken in Dayton, so Del Rio got some cheers from the crowd. Jericho was very over with the crowd, though (until he took out Ziggler, and from the way he look on the ramp, he might be turning heel full out in the future). Match had a semi-contrived finish, with Jericho giving Rodriguez a Liontamer (which isn't going to win him the match), then getting mad at Ziggler for costing him the match. You weren't trying to win anyway, jackass. :mindblown: Whatever, it's not important. I did get Del Rio to flash me the :youngsabo: before going to the back by heckling him repeatedly. Ziggler was carried off to applause.

Drew strangely acted like he didn't want to have the match and/or go out with the rest of the group while coming out, so who knows if there's a split or anything planned there. Christian was very over. Short, nothing match and a short promo (with a mention of coming back for "ONE MORE MATCH") before The Shield came out. Post-beatdown was funny, because they exited to the back right by me. While everyone around me was booing them, I'm the only guy clapping, and while I'm clapping I shout out, "I RESPECT THE SHOOTER, SETH!" Rollins didn't react, but Reigns did a confused :wtf: double take, as if I was absolutely insane to respect them for what they did. I hope the cameras caught that one.

The Heyman promo was absolutely etherous. :wow: It wasn't even about Punk either. He just verbally destroyed Renee Young for like 3 minutes. I'm not even going to spoil this one for you. You'll just have to watch this one.

Bryan/Orton was another pretty good TV match, better than Del Rio/Jericho. Interestingly enough, while Orton was the more over guy, he got a real mix of boos and cheers (one of only two singles guys to get real hate from the crowd), while Bryan got nothing but "Yes"es while on offense. Orton playing heel the entire match may have aided that response. While the crowd cheered for Bryan's victory, he whipped everyone into a frenzy by screaming for the match to be restarted. "Yes" chants, "Restart the Match" chants, and everything. It made for a flat ending to SmackDown to just have the ref say no and end the taping like that.

Dark Match/Postshow:

The dark match started immediately afterward, and was Bryan/Orton/Sheamus vs. The Shield after Sheamus ran down for the save after The Shield come out. The Shield came out from behind the stage right in front of me, and Roman was still looking at me like I was nuts (I said "I STILL RESPECT THE SHOOTER" in response, which elicited more confused looks).

Match was short, ended in DQ after Roman hit Sheamus with a chair. Bryan made the save with a chair of his own, and Sheamus and Orton ended up hitting their finishes. Show ended there. Bryan went to the back almost immediately (by the way, he played total face during the dark match), while Orton and Sheamus slapped hands and signed stuff for the crowd. Sheamus was ADORED by the people here. He slapped everyone's hand, signed everybody's stuff, hugged everyone that wanted a hug, everything.

So yeah, fun show. A few more notes coming after this.


Dum Shiny
May 1, 2012
SoCal State Beaches
Other notes:

1). Everyone and everything is fukking small. This isn't a problem for me, just a conception that's sort of jarring to see confirmed in person. I'm about 6'1" 210-215 (depending on how my diet is), and I was bigger than or about as big as a LOT of the guys on this show. In fact, I'm pretty sure me and Rollins are either literally the same size, or I'm a tad bigger than him. Other size notables are Orton (who is every bit of 6'5" 235, the guy was actually bigger than I thought, with presence to match), Sheamus (I saw him after the taping ended, and he's probably 6'3" ish and 250-255 lbs. Huge hands, though. His hand wrapped around mine when I shook it), Reigns (No taller than 6'2" though. For that matter, Ambrose isn't more than 6'2" or a weak 6'3" either), Barrett (Legit 6'5" at least. Really tall guy), Del Rio (His stats are just about legit too), and Rhodes and Sandow (looked to be about the same height. Sandow sure as hell isn't 6'4").

The set also looked shockingly small as well. WWE does a really good job of making everything look bigger than it actually is.

2). Lillian Garcia, of all people has a titantron. And you'd never believe who's playing (or at least looked to be playing) her "romantic interest"...

Kenny Santucci of Real World Challenge fame.

I was fukking flabbergasted when I saw that. :mindblown:

3). The other singles guy to get booed was John Cena. Seriously. They showed most of the Henry/Cena segment from last night, and he got boos when he appeared on the big screen. Even the kids hated him. I couldn't believe it.

4). For WWE Creative: Having been in a very orthodox WWE grown composed to your interests, I can tell you for a fact that they want to see wrestling and they want to see guys win. My entire section was split between supporting Orton and supporting Bryan vociferously, even though everyone knew it was just a work with a predetermined winner. they didn't want a bunch of comedy bullshyt, they wanted matches, with winners and losers. It's not hard to grasp.

That's all.


All Star
May 1, 2012
Other notes:

2). Lillian Garcia, of all people has a titantron. And you'd never believe who's playing (or at least looked to be playing) her "romantic interest"...

Kenny Santucci of Real World Challenge fame.

I was fukking flabbergasted when I saw that. :mindblown:

:laff: never would have guessed that. Gonna check if there's a video of that.


All Star
May 1, 2012
Lmao is this it?

[ame=http://youtu.be/6OcfBtomtvY]Lilian Garcia Custom Titantron - YouTube[/ame]