is there a list???Put her on the list of people with better punches than Ambrose.
then, now, foreverSheamus in CDQ
LOL@you thinking Paige is getting the Brooklyn Summerslam spot...So Becky is gonna feud with Natalya, Charlotte's gonna feud with Paige until the Dana face turn and Sasha's tv time will remain Superstars/Main Event brand exclusive.
Let's see how well this Apollo/Sheamus match is gonna go.
GoT fans are annoying, I'm sure its a great show, but damn
Piff CapsEverytime I hear WWE promote the new era I think of the clothing
Snapchat Name?
How is anyone watching this with game 7 of NBA finals and game of thrones tonight
She was just home a few days ago and Fandango and Titus with his kids were over.She doesn't go home to see Tyson does she?
Both have thick-ass thighs.Riki Choshu and Natalya on the same sentence