I'm not mad as I am curious. Is Corbin ready? This is very Jack Swagger of them to put him in this position. But then again, a former jobber is now the World Champion. So anything can happen really.
I legit can't question anything they do now since Jinder became champion.
That's my whole point
Corbin has been the #2-3 top heel since the brand split on SD
Being the MITB holder don't mean shyt to me that's why I ain't mad
Shinsuke hasn't even been on the roster that long, KO is already US champ, AJ was just champ and will be champ again eventually so that just left SZ, Ziggler and Corbin... made more sense to build the heel up
Ppl act like we're gonna get a Jinder vs Corbin match... Corbin will tease cashing it in a couple times while he feuds with someone else which looks to be Shinsuke
SZ might win some #1 contenders match Tuesday