tHickie hit that no-talent bytch, with a modified indian death lock into an stf.
Modified reverse grapevine into an stf...
Thank tha lawd
shyt, was so next level. I had to rewind it.
I may have to watch it again, and see if I called the move right.
Another example of tna knockouts generally developing better feud than most of the male card in the wwe.
shyt, knockout brawls are the best backstage violent vignettes in domestic wrasslin.
Only thing the diva have over this feud is.
Velvet is of the lowest quality.
Her involvement makes a great moment like this beatdown.
To get over a new finisher.
Still lose in failing grades to the soap opera aj/kaityln =bruiser broad work.
Right, now.....
I think this is the first time I like a diva ls inring program as much as a knockouts program.
Since, Michelle mccool stuffed milena goof ass in the turnbuckle and stood on that ho.
Art Barr