Okay, that's what you've said to have happened. Now can you present me with some hard evidence to prove that it did in fact happen like you say it did? And no, bang em's word is not credible, because he wasn't there(
source), he provided no paper work, and he changed up his story twice.
He originally claimed it was some guy named mark, reminder, he provided no paper work to prove it. Couple years later, he changes up his story and claims it was really yayo who snitched so he could sue murder inc.
Now, former G-Unit affiliate Bang Em Smurf has revealed in an interview on worldwideconnected.comthat Tony Yayo filed the order of protection. According to Smurf, 50's name was included because the incident took place during his studio session. Smurf also says that Yayo intended to file a lawsuit against the G-Unit assailants and that he had to be convinced otherwise."
However this contradicts his originally statement, "
50 or Yayo, none of them nikkas had nothing to do with it. My nikkas ain't no rat. I don't run with rats" Bang em.(
Bang em is 100% unreliable, so present ME with some real counter evidence, thank you.
I did post proof; it's on the second page. Screenshots literally highlight the words, "Curtis Jackson Informed...", along with Yayo and a third member. Those shots came from Black Child and were shown in full detail on the beef dvd. If you want to see what was stated, word by word, watch it on youtube.
Yup, even the super bias beef dvd as a third party verified Black's paper work as being legit. Beside that, murder inc made the paper work open for the public, and no one ever manage to successfully disprove its authenticity.
Now lets look at this logically. I provided screenshots of paper work that was verified by anit-murder inc third parties, and what did you provide to backup your claims? Bang em smurf, which I easily proved as being an unreliable source for numerous reasons.
Source Magazine - "
50 Cent has continuously denied the order of protection he is said to have gotten against Black Child, Irv Gotti, and his brother Chris Lorenzo, even though the document has been released for public consumption. 50 had claimed the order of protection was a fraud, but he is lying. It is real, and it was obtaind and verified in the Feb 03 issue of the source. Still, many of 50's loyal fans refused to believe it. The QD3-produced DVD "Beef" also verifies the document. "
How convenient. You left out the part in the article were 50 tells the feds to listen to his lyrics. Nice deflect, I guess you can't dare acknowledge that part, or you would realize that you have no legit argument on you claim about 50 never snitching on Preme.
Let's break it down, logic 101
An informant is a person who provides privilege information to law enforcement about a person/agency
50 told the feds to listen to his lyrics for information regarding Preme&Inc relationship
50 in his lyrics make explicit claims that about Preme's relationship with Inc
50 is an informant
The fukking irony. I don't determine what is true based solely on what people say, like you do. I determine what is true based on what the facts say. And in the case of 50 being a rat b*stard, Ja&Inc didn't just make unverified claims, they went and got hard evidence and allowed any third party to verify that evidence's authenticity.
Also, cite me the source were Ja denied the chain snatching incident. Oh, wait, you have no evidence. But i'm the one just blindly taking people's word for fact huh...fgt.