You f*ckers fail to realize that 50 paid every last dime of child support with no claims of the baby moms saying he missed a payment, that itself needs to be applauded
unlike the "God MC" Rakim who missed out on so many child support payments and even got arrested for it, but yall be sweeping that one under the rug huh
At this point, 50 gave him EVERYTHING unlike some of you dead beat fathers that curve your child. He at least attempted to be in the kid's life while the kid bit the hand that FED and i mean FEDDDD the muhf*cka more than necessary to be his own man!
The "Kid" is now an adult, just like he claimed he was saying "I dont need nobody" well then, go on and make another 50 young blood
make something of yourself if your father "aint sh*t"
Yall are some SOFT a*s 90's babies saying "poor marquis, its 50's fault, it's 50 who should be the bigger man" nah man, 50 from the that TOUGH LOVE generation, if you gonna say f*ck daddy, well then it's f*ck you back! 50 did his part, you want to back stab him then these are the consequences. 50 does have a heart tho, same way he took buck back is the same way he'll rekindle the relationship with his son if he shows remorse