Lmao. But on some real shyt man every single thread kinda goes the exact same way. The majority of the first posts will have everyone in agreeance and saying the same shyt the first few people said in different ways...
Then you get a few people who disagree and from there it's jokes/back and forths with the last few posts of people repeating shyt the first ppl said. Very little dialogue is inserted. And this is pretty much every thread/section on here, not just the Booth.
I think it's an effect of social media giving everybody a platform and now it's even leaked here where everybody wants to be "heard".
Back in the day, a poster wouldn't even reply if what they had to offer had already been said.
We've dumbed down brehs
(How ironic, I go on a random, 50-like tangent with some "gems" sprinkled in
