Don't rule out raw writers trying to make Joe their version of a Jinder .... him winning that 5-way reminded me a lot of Jinder winning his #1 contender 4- way
None of the business of it would match
Jinder got the push because of the extension of the brand into India
Nothing about pushing joe is similar
Bottom line they needed to feed Lesnar someone impressive before summer slam and they're protecting Rollins and Balor, Wyatt is a joke act and Reigns Brock is a wrestle mania match
So deductive logic makes Joe a contender because no one else fits
He won't be Orton'd but he won't be a serious threat either
I see some goofs hoping this match will go 45 minutes, you gotta be nuts Brock probably gets paid by the minute and Vince ain't spending more than 10 on Great Balls of Fire