Exactly. Fat men know right away where they stand with the opposite sex. Anyone who has ever been fat and lost the weight knows this whole "women like dad bods actually" thing is bullshyt.
Then you get people coming out the wood work talmbout "but in relationships they prefer a heavier man" well no shyt. They got him when he was in shape and he let himself go a little bit, thats not enough grounds for her to bounce on a relationship that's been going for at least a year
Looks aren't enough to sustain a relationship indefinitely. You have to work on your personality too. Its BOTH and it really annoys me when people act like its one or the other. Looks are the spark and who you are is the fuel.
And even then, looks still can be fuel. There's tons of couples where one partner was mistaken to have low libido - turns out the partner just wasn't attracted to the other

Sex appeal is understated