I would say that Lebron has the better chance of remaining highly famous in 20 years.
Someone like Beyonce is obviously famous but consider Mariah Carey. 20 years ago she was ubiquitous. These days she is famous but is she really on anyone's radar outside of the Christmas season? I would say no. I think Beyonce follows a similar path.
The other thing to consider is whether people like Lebron or Beyonce WANT to be so famous or public in 20 years.
Part of what keeps Michael Jordan famous is debate culture. Who is the GOAT? And so on.
I'm not sure that really exists for singers once they exit their artistic peaks.
Good points.
But I have some questions in mind.
Who has the most popularity/fame/visibility/revelance?
Who makes the biggest impact on people/in the life of people?
Who has the biggest male fanbase?

Who has the biggest female fanbase?
Who maintains their fame longer?
After their careers/peaks, who remains on peoples radar longer?
Im taking about Actors/athletes/singers/rappers.