Only if O'Shea does that shytty British accent he had at the end of Den of Thieves.Bring in Cube's son.
Have him be chopping it up with Ricochet backstage.
Have Cathy interview them
"Ric, O'shea. Thank you for your time."
I know it's stupid... but besides the Axiom Rangers and the Black Lotus revival, this is really all I'm asking for.
Give me this Hunter.
NXT > Dynamite![]()
I don't watch NXT, and I feel like this crowd doesn't either. Ilja's looking around to take in the moment and the crowd is just like![]()
part of restitution for insider trading is loss of gained assets/forfeiture of equivalent determinate valueI ain't watching your pockets. But, I'm assuming you got the insider trading plug like she had?
Crowd is just badI don't watch NXT, and I feel like this crowd doesn't either. Ilja's looking around to take in the moment and the crowd is just like![]()
I thought once, but like people told me. He don't got lackey energy. They messed up bumming off Vinci like this. They could have easily re-heated Imperium now that the tag belts are split.I thought Ilja was going to be the new member of Imperium after last week. Him and Kaiser look related.
Sir after that ppv I can't eat regular vanilla ice cream anymore.... only French Vanilla from this moment forwardI feel like you guys are overreacting to the crowds reactions
France got some folks spoiled already lol
Ricky should win this. Crowd loves him.. fukk a dragonov