[5/30/21] All Elite Wrestling: Double or Nothing 2021 LIVE with FANS

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Wrong, Bryan. Regal isn't a flippy wrestler, but he's had amazing, classic matches with several of them (Rey Jr., Eddie, etc)
The fact that he can make his style mesh with both Psicosis and HHH proves what I'm saying. There's a reason that they used to say that guys like Regal, Benoit, and Owen could get a 5 * match wrestling a mop.
Maybe Omega could also have good matches with.both Psicosis & HHH, but it wouldn't be anything we haven't seen before.
Like I said earlier, I give Omega a C+. Passable, but not special.

You literally named Rey and Eddie.:russ:

Those guys are classic in their own right and you basically naming his WCW career

But he also wrestled Goldberg and that match was no where near a classic.:picard:

Not to mention he really don’t have a lot of classic E matches like that and was trash when he gimmick changed to “A Man’s MAN” (yea we not finna gloss over that and pretend that didnt happen)

I remember watching his matches on the Saturday morning WCW show and a lot of them was just “ok”

Don’t get me wrong, he not a scrub but let’s not get crazy

Also the irony of you saying “5 star match wrestling a mop”

Ibushi had a great match with a blow up doll. Kenny had a match with a kid that was more entertaining than a lot of other guys matches (like say the Big Show/Kane ECW match)

Regal & Benoit probably can’t pull that off. Owen was a special breed and he’d fit in that mode.

I respect Regal, but we gotta rank him appropriately