that nikka turned into a transformer lol
Damn, I thought he was gonna bounce back up.. dude fell in 5 sections and got folded into the matrix position and his belly popped out...
nikka belly popped out llike an airbag in a car accident..
buddy hit the emergency release button under his legs
He aint even hit em with a two piece he just opened his stomach like a can of biscuits
the hell with his knees somebody make sure that sidewalks ok.....
yo he faded ol fat boy and had him looking like a bounce house when the kids tip it over
LmAo fat boy did the Bernie lomax ya heard that's that weekend at Bernies swag hahaha
this is why worldstar is the that hefty nikka is immortalized as an object of ridicule and he's going to resort to eating more and more to cope with that L he took lol
imat some of these comments on the worldstar page
imat some of these comments on the worldstar page