Honga Ciganesta
Japanese Keyhole Porn Don
Wade during the Wyatts run in
Lone wolf douchbagWhat is this guy Corbin persona supposed to be?
Roman needs to perfect his laugh to make the cypher completeThere's no heel turn needed. It happened when he said, "I'm not a bad guy, I'm not a good guy, I'm THE guy."
He's not Cena.
He's essentially Perfect Cena. :demoniccena:
What is this guy Corbin persona supposed to be?
Allan Price
Sami Zayn just sprinted to the back clutching his shoulder again..shyt. #RawAfterMania #RAW
Good promo
This is a bad promo though. Step it up, Corbin.
Reigns would probably get the smarks to cheer for Cena