Solid show over all, like most TNA big events over the past year or so.
Scramble had a lot of fun flippy shyt, lmao at that Austin Ace nerd. I can't tell if he's supposed to be doing a magician gimmick or a Gambit cosplay. Kind of confused at all the shyt
Eddie "Eddie "Tommy Dreamer" Edwards" Edwards has been been through in the past year and now he's in opener X divsion scramble matches. Not that I give a shyt about Eddie Edwards, but do they just not have an angle for him right now because it seemed like he was arguably THE main focus of the show for much of the past year.
The intergender comedy match like...why? If you're going to do intergender matches, take them seriously, not act surprised and laugh when the woman wins.
Moose/North vs Rascalz was pretty fun. I don't know where this extra Rascal came from but they work together well.
Taya/Jordynne was awful, because Taya is just garbage. Everything she does looks looks like it's in slow motion and has no impact whatsoever. She looks like she can't even keep up with her own spots, let alone someone else's spots.
Swann/Sami it's always fukk Sami. Has he ever won one of his own gimmick matches? lol This was definitely hurt by the comedy weapons in what was portrayed as this intensely personal grudge match. Weak ass cookie sheets, legos, and plastic wet floor signs did not at all fit with the story they were alleging to be telling.
Gail/ Gail was struggling out there. The ring rust was real and she took so many bad bumps. I'm sure she was sore as fukk the day after. I'm not really sure what the point of the angle was. When it started back at the Homecoming show I was thinking about how lame it was because 1. Gail has barely been retired so her "coming out of retirement" meant nothing. She "retired" in 2017, then did a 6 month retirement tour, and had a match last year afterwards anyway. So really she's been retired for a year and it feels hollow as shyt to have her as the "retired legend coming back for one last match". 2. It's obviously just a filler feud for Tessa to keep her out of the title scene because they turned Taya heel.
Impact/Cage...I dunno. Johnny is forever a mid card at best dude to me, and Cage is only impressive for doing spotfests and bringing Kanyon spots and catchphrases back, so trying to do a story match with an injury early in didn't make for anything impressive. Lance Storm was also looking

Lmao that Morrison STILL can't hit his fukking finish clean. He's been doing it since 2005 and has connected with it maybe 5 times. You gotta feel for both Cage and TNA to have been building up to Cage winning the title for like a year now only for him to get a legit injury a few minutes into the culmination of the angle. Considering TNA has been a Canadian indie for 2 years now it's pretty surprising it took this long for Elgin to arrive. I can't imagine he's going to move the needle at all for them, but new blood is new blood and I'd rather have Cage/Elgin than former WWE mid carders in the main event.
Lucha Bros/LAX TLC

what an ugly and brutal match. Every big bump was taken about the worst way possible. Every chair bump that was supposed to be flat back on the seat ended up being sideways on the lip or seat. Fenix's head on the spanish fly

It's amazing with all the wild shyt they do and all the bookings they take that Penta and Fenix haven't been injured, but there's no way Fenix came out of that not fukked up.
Unspectacular, but solid.