Carmella and Sasha lookin

Carmella and Sasha lookin
I know Funaki has to beon the inside watching Itami/Asuka/Nakamura not have to play stereotypes. On some "I went through that so they wouldn't have to
" type shyt
I already know I'm reaching. Calm down fanboy.Youre an idiot if you took that to be blackface
Hopefully age has brought Vince wisdom(I still think deep down Vince has some sort of weird vendetta against the Japanese. There's never been one Japanese main event superstar, and he seemingly goes out of his way to bury the budding Japanese stars that he has gotten hold of (e.g. Ultimo Dragon, Tajiri, Hakushi). And rather than getting an actual Japanese wrestler and promoting him as champion, he got a Samoan and called him Japanese instead![]()
Just rewatched that naka/zayn match.
Better the second time. All time great match.
really. This is the kind of match you show to non-wrestling fans.
Carmella and Sasha lookin![]()
rematch imminent and i ain't even mad![]()
I know Funaki has to beon the inside watching Itami/Asuka/Nakamura not have to play stereotypes. On some "I went through that so they wouldn't have to
" type shyt
He was marking out on the inside. Soon as the holy shyt chant started he smirked like "damn right holy shyt"I did the weebay gif when they showed Roode. Not because I didn't expect him to pop up eventually but because of how well he sold the moment he had that "you know who I am, but you don't know why I'm here" confidence on his face