Great night.
1) Nak/Sami - Helluva match. Great psychology, crowd energy, and two guys in their primes.
2) Bayley/Asuka - The emotion was so high during this match. You can tell how much NXT just loves Bayley. I hope they get to do it again before they even think about calling her up.
3) AA/Revival - This surprised the fukk outta me. Honestly, there was a big botch in there but aside from that this was great tag action.
4) Joe/Finn - Ref stoppages took a lot out of this. If they had just let the go the whole match just covered in blood...might have been a classic.
5) Corbin/AA - I went to the kitchen during the beginning so maybe I've got it fukked up, but what I saw wasn't very compelling.
6) Crews/Drifter....