Don’t Be Like He-Man
The market needs to create new jobs that almost eliminate outside jobs, eventually outside jobs can mean death.Yes but what about all the hundreds of millions of impoverished people on this planet who barely have clothes on their backs to begin with.
And for all the impoverished people we need to study the Amazon rainforest immediately!
There is growing evidence that suggests that the Amazon is a man-made rainforest.
There is something called Terra Prata, or Amazonian dark earth, it is a man-made soil that can grow vegetation.
This man-made amazonian era soil is much greater and biodiversed than natural soil/compost.
This man made soil is many thousands of years old, made by amazonians.
If you use this then dead soil can become fertile soil.
The thing is we still don't know much of this soil, but we need to study it to save the future!
This is Terra Prata: