30 + brehs any tips for lifting with rotator cuff ?


Aug 6, 2015
They gave me a cortisone shot and it did nothing. I have heard the surgery doesn't work either. I no longer do movements with my arms behind my head like military press or lat pull downs
any tips?

Black White Sox Hat

May 6, 2012
Oh so this is what i have. :mjcry:

It's like i can go ham in the gym all day lifting allkinds of weight.Then when i get home reaching for a glass of water or just taking blanket off me gives me the the craziest pain in my shoulder.Looked it up now i see i think that i have this injury.


Beg my pardon to Martin...
Sep 27, 2012
Negroes with guns
Haven't done a legit shoulder workout in years, I just wrapped up physical therapy, had a shoulder impingement.
In addition to the various exercises/stretches I did, I got dry needling on my trap and rear delt and it helped ALOT.
Over the years I overcompensated with those muscles to ease the shoulder pain.

I still get some tenderness but the dry needling helped 90% of the pain

I do pitcher pours/chicken wings (don't know what they're called) lateral raises with dumbbells

Do you warm up, stretch pecs, delts (muscles around the shoulder) prior to working out?

Snoopy Loops

All Star
Aug 4, 2013
Get this

Its called a buddy back buddy

Go on youtube or search google on how to use. Its not that hard to use.

If you can workout with that shoulder, do shoulder stretches before your workout and ice it after your workout. Infact ice when not working out. People say use heat especially if its been over 3 weeks, but that didn't work me.

Massage your shoulder with voltaren gel or similar gels.

Do rear deltoid(i.e. face pulls) and rotator cuff exercsies unless it hurts badly.

Explore Graston and A.R.T. They are procedures done by mostly chiropractors.

Explore collagen supplementation.

You will experience setbacks but press on.


...fresh outta fux...
May 1, 2012
@The ADD , @Dwayne Taylor

i went through all the stages. at first it started w minor pain here and there. then started getting worse, it would hurt after upper body workouts. then it started bothering me during workouts. after it got to the point of me only being able to do legs for weeks at a time i capitulated and went to first of 3 doctors.

he was the highest rated ortho surgeon in one of the better hospitals in manhattan so i assumed that was the right move. first he did an xray first to check for bone damage. then he had me come back in for an MRI. after evaluating my MRI he insisted i start w PT, for a surgeon he seemed to be massively anti-surgery. so i went w it. i did 16 weeks of PT 2-3x as week. it did absolutely nothing to help. after a few light wokouts the pain came right back. i got fed up w him and went to another doctor.

the second doctor had reviews from people w shoulder injuries that sounded similar and they said he helped, he had a very nice facility w in house PT. i guess at that point i wasn't fully set on surgery yet either. so he analyzed my MRIs from first doctor and insisted that his in house PT would be better than previous PT i did. i agreed to try that. i did about 3 months of his PT 2-3x a week and had the same experience. it did absolutely nothing to help. so i gave up on second doc too.

i remembered reading about @Spliff having a shoulder injury and his advice being something to the effect of, "when you have an injury make sure you to go a practitioner who is truly of sports medicine." meaning that they understand which activities you ultimately want to be able to do without pain, and that they will help you get back to that the safest and fastest way possible. i feel like the first 2 doctors almost wanted to convince me to stop weightlifting and make that the solution. like accepting that i was no longer a kid and now some fragile old guy, and adjust my expectations accordingly. so i did different research for the 3rd doctor.

i found a doctor who had a documented history of true sports medicine. worked w nhl teams, college football teams, olympic athletes etc. actually understands how an athlete thinks. i finally got in to see him and he did new MRIs. he diagnosed my shoulder impingement, i actually had a bone growth at the tip of my clavicle that was rubbing. i had a bone spur that needed to be removed. i had terrible bursitis and tendonitis. and of course tearing in my rotator cuff. i explained to him what it is that i wanted out this whole ordeal, to get back to weights and occasional sports without pain and without restriction. he leveled w me and told that surgery is the only way to make that happen. he told me i don't have to have surgery. i could keep going as i was without working out, never really play sports again, maybe golf once a month, but anything beyond that = pain until surgery. he said he wasn't going to sell me on surgery, that was my decision. but the surgery was a means to an end and only i could decide what i wanted that end to be. so i booked my surgery for 2 weeks later lol. i had the procedure done on jan 31, 2014. i was out of a sling 2.5 weeks after. i was in PT by the last week of feb 2014, w his PT who was a true athlete herself. she understood that i wanted to be back in the gym asap. i was back in gym doing legs by late march - april 2014 w a trainer i had met who specialized in correcting form/posture issues, working w ROM and really understood how to get me back into it properly. i was easing my way back into upper body by summer 2014. i'd say after 6 months it was like the whole ordeal never happened.

i never have pain any more, i can throw a football, swing a golf club, shoot a basketball, military press, bench press etc. granted i lost a lot of raw strength. part of that is the fact that my lifestyle has massively changed, i'm busier w a bigger commute, a second kid, and more adult responsibilities like a new house, so i don't lift nearly as much and often as i used to. i also backed off of pushing my shoulder further than it needs to go. i've realized i don't need to bench 315 anymore. i don't need to try and military press 185 anymore. i don't push for upper body 1RMs any more. but i still lift and i'm good to go when i do.
Apr 3, 2014
@The ADD , @Dwayne Taylor

i went through all the stages. at first it started w minor pain here and there. then started getting worse, it would hurt after upper body workouts. then it started bothering me during workouts. after it got to the point of me only being able to do legs for weeks at a time i capitulated and went to first of 3 doctors.

he was the highest rated ortho surgeon in one of the better hospitals in manhattan so i assumed that was the right move. first he did an xray first to check for bone damage. then he had me come back in for an MRI. after evaluating my MRI he insisted i start w PT, for a surgeon he seemed to be massively anti-surgery. so i went w it. i did 16 weeks of PT 2-3x as week. it did absolutely nothing to help. after a few light wokouts the pain came right back. i got fed up w him and went to another doctor.

the second doctor had reviews from people w shoulder injuries that sounded similar and they said he helped, he had a very nice facility w in house PT. i guess at that point i wasn't fully set on surgery yet either. so he analyzed my MRIs from first doctor and insisted that his in house PT would be better than previous PT i did. i agreed to try that. i did about 3 months of his PT 2-3x a week and had the same experience. it did absolutely nothing to help. so i gave up on second doc too.

i remembered reading about @Spliff having a shoulder injury and his advice being something to the effect of, "when you have an injury make sure you to go a practitioner who is truly of sports medicine." meaning that they understand which activities you ultimately want to be able to do without pain, and that they will help you get back to that the safest and fastest way possible. i feel like the first 2 doctors almost wanted to convince me to stop weightlifting and make that the solution. like accepting that i was no longer a kid and now some fragile old guy, and adjust my expectations accordingly. so i did different research for the 3rd doctor.

i found a doctor who had a documented history of true sports medicine. worked w nhl teams, college football teams, olympic athletes etc. actually understands how an athlete thinks. i finally got in to see him and he did new MRIs. he diagnosed my shoulder impingement, i actually had a bone growth at the tip of my clavicle that was rubbing. i had a bone spur that needed to be removed. i had terrible bursitis and tendonitis. and of course tearing in my rotator cuff. i explained to him what it is that i wanted out this whole ordeal, to get back to weights and occasional sports without pain and without restriction. he leveled w me and told that surgery is the only way to make that happen. he told me i don't have to have surgery. i could keep going as i was without working out, never really play sports again, maybe golf once a month, but anything beyond that = pain until surgery. he said he wasn't going to sell me on surgery, that was my decision. but the surgery was a means to an end and only i could decide what i wanted that end to be. so i booked my surgery for 2 weeks later lol. i had the procedure done on jan 31, 2014. i was out of a sling 2.5 weeks after. i was in PT by the last week of feb 2014, w his PT who was a true athlete herself. she understood that i wanted to be back in the gym asap. i was back in gym doing legs by late march - april 2014 w a trainer i had met who specialized in correcting form/posture issues, working w ROM and really understood how to get me back into it properly. i was easing my way back into upper body by summer 2014. i'd say after 6 months it was like the whole ordeal never happened.

i never have pain any more, i can throw a football, swing a golf club, shoot a basketball, military press, bench press etc. granted i lost a lot of raw strength. part of that is the fact that my lifestyle has massively changed, i'm busier w a bigger commute, a second kid, and more adult responsibilities like a new house, so i don't lift nearly as much and often as i used to. i also backed off of pushing my shoulder further than it needs to go. i've realized i don't need to bench 315 anymore. i don't need to try and military press 185 anymore. i don't push for upper body 1RMs any more. but i still lift and i'm good to go when i do.

breh how bad was the pain where you felt that surgery was the only way?

my shoulder been botherin me for at least 4 weeks now

it's not unbearable, but it's pretty much where I'm good as long as I'm not moving my arm a certain way

if I hold my arm straight out from my body, like in the position to do a lateral raise, I'm feeling pain... but anything else I'm good.

I don't think it's where I need to get surgery... at least I hope not... I did put some heat on it last week and it actually started feeling a little better...


...fresh outta fux...
May 1, 2012
breh how bad was the pain where you felt that surgery was the only way?

my shoulder been botherin me for at least 4 weeks now

it's not unbearable, but it's pretty much where I'm good as long as I'm not moving my arm a certain way

if I hold my arm straight out from my body, like in the position to do a lateral raise, I'm feeling pain... but anything else I'm good.

I don't think it's where I need to get surgery... at least I hope not... I did put some heat on it last week and it actually started feeling a little better...

You should see a doctor. It didn't really become my decision to get surgery until a surgeon I actually trust told me, "you will not get better unless you have surgery."
Apr 3, 2014
You should see a doctor. It didn't really become my decision to get surgery until a surgeon I actually trust told me, "you will not get better unless you have surgery."

so what I'm asking is this... how bad did it get to where you felt that you needed to go to the doc for it?

I'm trying to make that my last option, because I don't have health insurance right now, and I don't have the money to put into doctor visits


...fresh outta fux...
May 1, 2012
so what I'm asking is this... how bad did it get to where you felt that you needed to go to the doc for it?

I'm trying to make that my last option, because I don't have health insurance right now, and I don't have the money to put into doctor visits

It got to the point where I knew lifting was a bad idea. At that point you should be able to tell that every time you pick up a weight you're doing more harm than good. If you're not going to see a doctor then stop using it. The damage gets worse harder to repair.


Hong Kong Phooey
May 2, 2012
so what I'm asking is this... how bad did it get to where you felt that you needed to go to the doc for it?

I'm trying to make that my last option, because I don't have health insurance right now, and I don't have the money to put into doctor visits
When the pain is very strong and/or you are limited in doing everyday activities.
I found out I had a torn labrum. I didn't know it was torn and thought it was bursitis from what I read online. One day, I moved my arm up while sitting at my desk at work and I heard a pop in my shoulder. Then, an small amount of pain went to my shoulder. From that point on, every time I got one of those pops, the pain would be stronger than before. I could function and do everything I did before. It was random when it popped. Within a week, the pain escalated at every pop to where I was immobilized in my chair from the pain. Like it felt like Mike Tyson punched the inside of my shoulder with all his strength in a one square inch of area.

Usually, an physical examination and your symptoms will give the orthopedic surgeon an idea of what the problem is and an MRI will confirm his suspicions.