3 weeks out... Will admit that the storytelling going into Mania is the best in years.


Apr 30, 2012
Just out of sheer morbid curiosity other than meeting an untimely demise or outright quitting, what should Romans' place in the company be? Should he be jobbing on a nightly basis, doing dark matches. As much as y'all complain about him he's only doing what he's told.

He's not going to voluntarily give up the spot he's put in, not one wrestler with a brain in his skull would.

Cartier Murphy

Apathy’s a Tragedy & Boredom is a Crime
May 10, 2015
They’ve stepped it up within the last week or two, but it’s been a mediocre build prior


All Star
Jul 11, 2014
i wouldn't say its been the best, but i've been enjoying the shows a lot recently, even Smackdown :ehh:


Nov 19, 2016
Please break it down how it’s great im legit curious :patrice:

I took a few months break after September and started taking the product way less seriously and enjoy it. It is probably the majority of the reason that I can dig it. Plus, the storytelling aspect of these feuds have a considerable amount of effort and real thought behind despite it being annoying(Cena's storyline). Overall it's pretty solid. It's not like they threw a bunch of matches together like the last few Manias.

Let's start with the first...

Brock vs. Reign
Streak breakers vs. Streak Breakers
The Job on the Way Out

I knew this match was in the works immediately when they booked Reign vs. Undertaker. Vince probably thought a big money Streak Breakers match could be had with his chosen one. Ultimately, this sole match caused me to get very frustrated with the product last year, because everything on Raw was held hostage. I took a break. The build for this match starting from Reign failed elimination at Rumble was very thrilling and narrowly escaping defeat by Braun in Elimination Chamber was a very entertaining Arch. I stopped being a fan of Lesnar after his debacle with Ambrose a couple of Manias ago and really saw what he really was. He is part-timer which gets a lot of resentment from fans. He is being portrayed as holding Raw and the belt hostage due to his cozy contract.

Everyone knows that he is leaving and WWE used this very well as establishing Lesnar as a very good adversary and villain. He deprive of the fans of this and that. He doesn't show up. They stage no-show appearances and shoots to really pull the crowd away from Lesnar. In my honest opinion, I feel the show hijacking on Reigns( It has died down tremendously because he is making strides as a character, but he isn't the audience's favorite). Crowd at times breaks the immersion, but the promo Reign did where great. The temporary suspension, bringing in Vince's presence, and Beatdown Angle to start the show where very well done. Reign actually isn't acting like a heel being portrayed as a face. He is standing up for what he believes is right and it's logical. He seems very comfortable in his skin instead of the mess we got in their first build three Manias ago. It does a have a sense of realness, but the kayfabe breaking is be tacked on. It's more of ploy to get Reign to be somewhat more edgy and being a more colorful character. Borrow the things that worked from his build with Cena. Granted, I think doing more promos and keep it minimalist with a Big Fight Feel would of been just fine, but WWE fumble that the first time they did it. SO, they went with a more refined and edgier approach to this feud. Which I happen to enjoy quite a lot for this build.

I will say... The whole keep each other off the air should end and going forward. Keep both of them in active segments together. They did a great job of presenting the animosity between each other as organic, and Lesnar being portrayed as a piece of shyt perfectly with that beatdown this past Monday. I like it. For a potential main event build for a World Title... It's the best since WM30.

Bryan/Shane vs. Owen/Sami
A Roller Coaster of pure Hatred

This storyline has been fantastic. I was able to catch up on snippets and escalation built up from all the way since Owen & Sami got drafted to SD. Blurring the lines between heels & faces and dealing with characters. From Bryan and Shane dealing with Owens arrival and simply ignoring Sami wanting his chance in the "Land of Opportunity". Owens being a big crybaby about everything front and center as the United States Champion. Instantly rubbing Shane McMahon the wrong way. Dealing with an annoying personality, I can understand Shane apparent, "I don't give shyt if you didn't go your way. You're douche. You got me involved, because of all your bytching. Tough shyt." NOW... This attitude from someone in a position of power is supposed to be polarizing and slowly caused friction between Bryan, Shane, and the audience. You're supposed to swing to Bryan position and feel Shane is in the wrong till a given point.

Then, Owens loses his title and goes off with being attack by Shane and attacking Vince in fantastic segments. We got the Hell In A Cell Match and heel turn by Sami. His position in all this transpire is that time and time again...Aj & Shane were too busy to give him any opportunity to succeed. He comes to the realization that everything that Owen vocally preached to the audience (which was all brilliantly set up) is all clearly justified with his gripe with management. I stopped watching after this, but I looked up notes when I start to get back into it in January. The jist until post-Fastlane... all 4 have really been in a constant power struggle. Even having a double referee match, Shane constantly screw both these guys out of wins simply because... they are on his shyt list.

After the latest incident, he come to terms that he is compromised as an authority figure and will take a leave of absences. I guess one way or other, we can relate the feeling being on management's shyt list and once you get on that list. You always feel like a target till they find someone new to pick on for the time being. Are we supposed to defend Shane? No. He has became reckless with power and loose cannon in how he deals with justice, but can sympathize from his point of view that Owens & Sami can't be trusted. Are we supposed to feel sympathy for Owens and Sami being constantly screwed over? No, they are lairs, narcissistic megalomaniacs, cheaters, and manipulative clowns. However, we can relate and defend them of the unfair circumstances dealt to them by management. What was Bryan role in all of this? He is/was the voice of reason and the bridge between these two till the feud becomes full circle and engulfs him. Which happened this past Tuesday. So much character development and alliance changes. The friendship of Shane and Bryan deteriorating by the passing week. Sami slowly establishing that he can be a more despicable heel than Owens. It's very organic and can make an argument for which side to root for or boo. It's a very well done personal storyline that shifts from perspective of how you view/perceive. Then, we have other variable playing out like Daniel Bryan returning to the ring in a emotional speech that add to this story and really makes a personal story all that more sincere. What we tend to forget about it is that Bryan essentially became what he hated. He became authority. It was interesting twist of fate when seeing Bryan have that internal struggle with how Shane handle his treatment of Owens and Sami.

If they are able to up continue to escalate the feud for the next two shows before Mania... This could possibly a strong front runner as WWE Feud of The Year. WWE lucking into Bryan returning is probably a solid 50%

I guess one of the strongest theme this year is a sense of continuity and narrative building. The build for these matches haven't lost themselves into running out of material and keeps asteady build over the course of the last year. I didn't even elaborate on Reign's journey that build to his match, but I rather not. It's such an exhausting write up and will elaborate Cena vs. Reign when I talk about the Cena vs. Undertaker build and Strowman's rise in his write up.
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Jan 23, 2017
Just out of sheer morbid curiosity other than meeting an untimely demise or outright quitting, what should Romans' place in the company be? Should he be jobbing on a nightly basis, doing dark matches. As much as y'all complain about him he's only doing what he's told.

He's not going to voluntarily give up the spot he's put in, not one wrestler with a brain in his skull would.
Hes young(in terms of wwe age) , good looking, aesthetic body, very athletic and appeals to female and children demographic(sort of like cena) and most importantly moves merchandise off the shelves. His wrestling has improved from what I saw before( I don't regularly watch wwe raw just highlights) and his mic skills(i think) , so it would be a smart move to keep in the upper card.