Brock VS. Reign being done right. I can get behind this.
Cena/Undertaker storyline is great despite the fukking annoying overexposure it gets...
Shane, DB, Owens, and Sami storyline been pretty lit with a ton of fukkery since September.
Alexa and Nia been pretty entertaining and well-constructed.
The IC title been getting plenty of love and exposure with a great core of Miz/Rollins/Balor.
The Rondo/Angle VS HHH/Steph also been pretty intriguing.
WWE title and SD Tag/Women title needs to pick up in these next few weeks.
Braun being a one man show.
Matt/Wyatt been an entertaining layover before WWE really gets settled into Mania Hype mode.
Sasha/Bay slow burn has pins and needles.
The last few years... Mania build been kinda ass.
I've been sports entertained since getting back into it at Rumble and like the stories so far.
Cena/Undertaker storyline is great despite the fukking annoying overexposure it gets...
Shane, DB, Owens, and Sami storyline been pretty lit with a ton of fukkery since September.
Alexa and Nia been pretty entertaining and well-constructed.
The IC title been getting plenty of love and exposure with a great core of Miz/Rollins/Balor.
The Rondo/Angle VS HHH/Steph also been pretty intriguing.
WWE title and SD Tag/Women title needs to pick up in these next few weeks.
Braun being a one man show.
Matt/Wyatt been an entertaining layover before WWE really gets settled into Mania Hype mode.
Sasha/Bay slow burn has pins and needles.
The last few years... Mania build been kinda ass.
I've been sports entertained since getting back into it at Rumble and like the stories so far.