Never said that Indongo is an elite level guy but if he was the guy he needed to put away to become undisputed then he was the guy.
I don’t care abou yall Bud haters being upset that x or y has Crawford as their p4p #1 despite his best win being Postol or Diaz
Argue with them about this not with me
You can reach them on twitter.
I didn’t even have a p4p #1 up until recently (Sor) cause nobody separated himself from the pack like that.
Just because Bud is my favorite fighter doesn’t mean I’m gonna entertain this over and over again, especially that you don’t phrase any relevant criticism, you just keep rambling about the names he beat.
He fought the best guys around at that time and its not his fault that these guys weren’t elite.
It’s not like he’s gonna create elite level challengers for himself from clay, is it?
Also moved up twice already so can’t even say that he just got comfortable in one weak division.
It’s okay, we don’t need to agree but I am really tired of arguing about this shyt especially that idk what you are trying to prove. Yeah I know his resume isn’t stacked. So...? What’s the end game here, what’s the conclusion?