No division more volatile than 154Fundora went from getting KO'd to world champ lol

No division more volatile than 154Fundora went from getting KO'd to world champ lol
Fundora won't have that belt long lolFundora went from getting KO'd to world champ lol
I could see him edging Spence.Tim Tszyu is a perfect example of counting your chickens before they hatch
Him and his manager running around saying he'll fight Spence and Crawford looking over Fundora
So happy for Fundora!!!!!
I feel bad for Tim, cuz he was clearly domination and on his way to destroying him before that cut.
even after the cut he was still getting to him while blind.
nikka whatThat's what he gets for ducking crawford.
yeah he aint gonna get no respect lol I think he gonna try to cash out against Bud or ErrolDefinitely need that run back.