@Kid Kash this will work for RTG and possibly the PCC but I don't know about KOTR
I found a cheat too for RTG for when the levels get too hard. You need to have two profiles for it to work, I have it on my phone and use a google plus account and facebook account to log in. You log in first with your other account (leveled at rare ) open RTG and quickly press the home button to return to the login screen (you have to do it fast enough that you don't see the other players pop up) then you log in with your other account and face beginner players. I tried it in exhibition and it works
RTG on fail mode this week. not even able to start.
I know it's pissing me off I hope we get some free credits again.

at your post before the edit too, I would of been in tears
I haven't played in a few weeks and I got 600 credits and there's a bam bam bigelow sv card

Theres a load of new cards. I saw 1-2-3 Kid epic and Bulldog Wresltemania cards too.
For the last peoples champ they made 5 point matches harder then when nobody could win them they lowered the difficulty and gave us all 300 points.
Just looking now they have Arn Anderson, Bob Backlund, Brian Pillman, Dean Malenko, Earthquake, JBL, Kama, New Mark Henry, and Viscera Ultra Rare cards
Cowboy Bob Orton, Greg The Hammer Valentine Harley Race, Honky Tonk Man, Papa Shango and Vader Epics too
Big Bossman, DDP, Hillbilly Jim, Koko. B Ware, Lex Luger, Brian Knobbs, Jerry Sags anfd Terry Funk Legend cards
Bam Bam, Bradshaw, both Bushwackers, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Junkyard Dog, Mr Perfect, Rick Rude, and Tito Santana Survivor cards added
Superfly Jimmy Snuka, Tito Santana and The British Bulldog wrestlemanias added