That Razor card
as a hint, avoid those low w/l guys in the higher super rare/ultra rare tiers, you end up running into epic/legendaries at a time when you just cant beat them.I'm killing it right now I got rare Batista and rare A$AP Reigns as my matching tag team, super rare Christian and super rare Vinny Mac. My uncommon Nattie is beasting to I just turned her pro
your team is stacked, two matching tag teams tooEpic Razor/UW, SR Albrehto, Rey and Naomi. +30CHA and +7 on all stats boost cards. KOTR has some early rare cards, rock/cena/rey/shawn and 2 green +3 team boosts
I think my Nattie would give her a run for her money. She's uncommon and fully leveled up giving rare divas the work like it's nothing
It depends on your level. I did it at rare so ill get 2 rare cards and an uncommon if I win. Im guaranteed 2 rare cardsQualified 1st in kotr but got knocked out at semis as was played whilst i was asleep so couldnt energy boost! What do you get for winning a kotr? I love the concept and that it takes a couple of days to complete
if I had a way to challenenge id love to see that. In the KOTR finals btw #1 seed reppin TSC
I feed them to my rare HHH. Im not even kidding.That would make this game an instant classic
My KOTR don't finish till tonight I think I'm guaranteed to qualify half way through my records 20-3 and I'm joint top. What do you guys do with rare cards that don't fit into your main roster?
I just beat the leader in the KOTR I'm comin' for that top spot