
loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
nothing to debate. im not saying he was a saint, im saying he was brought up in black empowerment, the same way 2pac was

Panafricanism got Malcolm killed. during the 6 months he spent in Africa the relations he built with leaders of africa particularly the president of tanzania who was assassinated a couple weeks after X. Research it, its too long to type

theres ALOT of X history that people dont know. i made a thread about it but it got about 4 replies
let me get that link


Jun 22, 2014
so you trying to tell me Fard Muhhamed wasn't a moor? ..... really son!!!! ..... you trying to tell me he wasn't a follower of Noble Drew Ali?????

smh...... and heres me thinking you were serious
"Wallace Fard Muhammad" wasn't a Moor. He was a White Arab, he was a charlatan, he appeared, started the Nation of Islam, and ran away when he pissed off the police. He lied about his life, and no one really knows that much about him but himself, his children, and maybe a wife or two.
He didn't follow Noble Drew Ali :comeon:
Apr 3, 2014
dont forget Elijah had his own Fish Market. Farrakhan made the transition of creating the Salaam Restaurant.

Breh, that's not true. Everything the Honorable Elijah Muhammad had belonged to the Nation of Islam. He didn't have his "own" fish market, or his "own" restaurant or his "own" bakery.

folks credited Farrakhan with alot but you never hear folks mention Jabril Muhammad , fact of the matter if i feel OP shouldve made mention of Bro Jabril book. There was a time 1975 when Farrakhan had an epiphany and this brother gave him a book. Old heads know what im referring to and what took place in Las Vegas.

But breh, I'm not a supporter of Farrakhan, and I don't mean any disrespect towards him, but I just feel that he hasn't been going in the right direction.

He's not going in the same direction as the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
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Apr 3, 2014
Now ask yourself, why did he start calling the believers Bilalians? Bilal (who was a black slave) was the first mouzone to call the community to prayer...Islam. So we as African Americans, are calling the western world to Islam. Not the arab world. And that's where the resentment comes from with the Arab world towards the NOI or those apart of Imam Mohammad's ministry. We don't come from their madhab or school of thought. We're independent from them. Yes, they were here in America in the 20's/30's, and earlier. But majority of them weren't spreading Dawah like that. Hell, a lot of them were shaving their beards and shorting their name from Mohammad to Mo. The reason why Islam and the term Muslim is prevalent in America is because of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Sh1t, when Warith took over, he had over 400,000 members of the NOI take their shahada in unison. That's the largest conversion to any religion in United States history! Farad Muhammad and Elijah Muhammad are the greatest social reformers this country has EVER seen! And the sad thing is, they'll never get the credit.

Well the biggest misconception is when Imam Mohammad took over, he was trying to bring us to the Arab world which wasn't true at all. He was guiding us to have a better understanding of the Quran but NOT to adapt to the Arab culture or its customs. In the early years of his leadership, he kinda had to change the customs of the NOI overnight. Because a lot of us were still stuck in that mind frame. And in order to move on to the next phase, you couldn't be stagnate in one spot, which a lot of followers were. So the changes had to be abrupt and drastic. But once things got stabled enough, he started teaching about his father more often in a positive light. You gotta think, Warith was excommunicated because he didn't prescribe to his father's teachings. But the biggest reason was because Elijah wanted him to see the world outside of the Nation. When he came back in 72, Warith was teaching stuff that wasn't NOI teaching. The tape got back to headquarters in Chicago for Elijah to listen to. My uncle, pops, and other ministers were there. Elijah heard the tape and said, "My son got it! He can take this to the next level!". In 74, when Warith came back the last time, Elijah made him his assistant minister out of Chicago. Why would Elijah make his son assistant minister out of the headquarter mosque, knowing his son doesn't agree with his teachings? Elijah knew what he was doing.

Yeah and it was designed for it to happen. Warith was chosen even before he was born. When Farad and Elijah were in the classroom back in Detroit, Farad wrote the initials WDM on the wooden door. And he told Elijah that these initials will be the name of your next child and it is this child that will help you in your work. In Message to The Blackman, I believe, Elijah said that he wasn't here to teach us the religion. But there would be someone after me that will teach you it. My uncle, who was Supreme Captain out of Temple 25 back then, told me that Minister James Shabazz told him that one day there would be a time where there wouldn't be no chairs for the believers to sit in at the Temple but there would be a carpet instead. But as you said, a lot of people weren't ready for the transition. My uncle and pops told me when Imam Mohammad first took office, whole administrations left.


breh, you're completely lost.
Apr 3, 2014
Malcolm X
Clarence 13X
Royall /Solomon (Who had his own faction in K.C)
Son Of Man
Levi Karim
Lance Shabazz

all these brothers have been influence by the messenger and one way or another. whether we choose to agree with them.

Finally, somebody that knows what's happening.


Most of the ppl in this thread don't know about the Son of Man is, but he's the one that's out here making moves and doing the things that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught.

here's some vids on YouTube

Apr 3, 2014
Bruh, I'm not speaking from hearsay. I'm speaking from folks who actually set at the table with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and were there in the first resurrection. I was born into this. I know my history.

And you're not the only one.

You're talking about people that sat at his table.... you're talking about his son.

Of course he's going to say that, breh. That's called "revisionist history".

After the Honorable Elijah Muhammad passed, Wallace did everything he could to destroy the Nation of Islam.

you know that and I know that.

And if you don't know that, then go back and look at the news articles from 1975.

Wallace didn't rest until he completely dismantled the Nation.


Jun 4, 2012
Malcolm X
Clarence 13X
Royall /Solomon (Who had his own faction in K.C)
Son Of Man
Levi Karim
Lance Shabazz

all these brothers have been influence by the messenger and one way or another. whether we choose to agree with them.

Not just these bothers.........

ALL of us have been influenced by the Man. Even the ones who hate on Islam and the nation.

For whatever reason some just don't realize it. One man had a greater impact than most of the other movements combined and certain groups try to suppress it.


Staff member
May 14, 2012
Elijah Muhammad smiles down upon this thread from the MOTHER PLANE, where he is chilling, waiting to use the MOTHER PLANE'S photon torpedoes to destroy the so-called white man. Anyone who denies that Elijah Muhammad is flying around on this Islamic spaceship is either a CAC, a c00n, or an agent of the Jew. Hotep Islam Shabazz 7.

nikka what

George's Dilemma

May 27, 2012
At the end of the day TREASON is what got Malcolm killed. When you decide one day that.."maybe white folk ain't the devil after-all," you begin to attack the core principles of a religion. What if people begin to believe Malcolm? What happens to the NOI? What happens to their teachings? Like it or not , the NOI has done and continues to do what NO other organization or institution in the black community has ever done--that is reform the lost.

I don't entirely agree with that assessment of what happened. I mean there's more to it. His relationship with Elijah and the NOI reminds me of young David and King Saul. 1 Samuel 18: 6-8 sums it up aptly, "When David and the others would return from striking down the Philistines, the women would come out from all the cities of Israel with song and dances to meet King Saul with tambourines, wirh rejoicing, and with lutes. The women who were celebrating would sing: "Saul has struck down his thousands. And David his tens of thousands." Saul became very angry, and this song displeased him, for he said : They have credited David with tens of thousands, but to me they have credited thousands. The only thing left to give him is the kingship! From that day on, Saul was always looking at David suspiciously."

Malcolm became bigger than Elijah and he resented it. When the NOI censured him and he decided to break away and possibly take Muhammad Ali with him, they had to shut him down. So they created an atmosphere of tension that ultimately lead to his death. Ali even turned on him. To be fair, Malcolm contributed to his own death by not ceasing to expose what a womanizing, hypocritical, deadbeat father Elijah was. Not to mention Malcolm getting connections in the Arab and African world, in other words money for funding an organization that could potentially marginalize an already fringe movement that was the NOI at the time, made Elijah and his supporters very scared. Oh yeah, and he was an apostate who needed to be dealt with in the same manner as those whom were executed in the Hanafi murders.

There's more to it, but breh it was a lot deeper than him having a change of heart.


May 1, 2012
Newark, NJ
And you're not the only one.

You're talking about people that sat at his table.... you're talking about his son.

Of course he's going to say that, breh. That's called "revisionist history".

After the Honorable Elijah Muhammad passed, Wallace did everything he could to destroy the Nation of Islam.

you know that and I know that.

And if you don't know that, then go back and look at the news articles from 1975.

Wallace didn't rest until he completely dismantled the Nation.
Brother that's not revisionist history, that's ACTUAL FACT. Tell me why Hon Elijah Muhammad produced a prayer book pamphlet in 1957, listing all the 5 daily prayers for Muslims to follow in English. But he emphasized how we will learn them in Arabic. In the 1971 Saviours Day, while Elijah was at the rostrum, one of the brothers said to him that he forgot to make prayer. Elijah then said, "I didn't forget brother. I wouldn't disrespect praying to Allah on these wooden floors. Unless we have prayer rugs, which we don't right now. That's why the Temple is designed for teaching. The mosque will be for prayer." Although brothers and MGTS would only make dua at the Temple, why would some of them make full salat at home? You talk about Warith dismantling the Nation. If you really wanna keep it a 1000, Farad Muhammad led the way for the NOI to be dismantled from the get go. If you look at the picture of Farad Muhammad, what book is he holding?? He's not holding the Supreme Wisdom book. He's holding the Qur'an. Why would he hold a book that will be in somewhat of contradiction with the Supreme Wisdom? If you read the Supreme Wisdom lessons, it would say that Elijah's answers were NEAR correct. Why isn't it 100 percent correct? Who's going to fully correct what's near correct? Bro, as I said, my family broke bread with Elijah himself. My pops was an assistant minister under James Shabazz who was in prison with Elijah in the 40's. Minister James pulled people's coats to what soon would happen before he got assassinated. With all due respect, you may read and research about it. I lived it.