Color me shocked.As black as Shaun King
Color me shocked.As black as Shaun King
Husband only wanted to do "butt stuff"
Millennials are degenerates. Look at the dumb shyt on this site. Look at how illiterate millennial's children(gen alpha) areShe was born in 1997.
Let that sink in for a minute.
You got a Gen Z teacher, preying on a Gen Alpha kid.
Teacher don't even remember MJ's flu game, Bill Clinton/Lewinsky, OJ trial....barely remember 9/11. She was 5th grade, maybe 6th when Obama got elected.
This is the future coming up behind Millenials/Gen X. We gotta keep their hands off them nuclear codes y'all.
Boomers/Gen X/Gen Z is some degenerates based on all the shyt we been hearing in the news. Millenials gon have to save Earf