First time in coli history someone posted a source

Nah. I didn’t know but only a very small percentage of chicks actually get alimony. Studies indicate stress associated with marriage for reasons why women don’t want to get remarried in many cases.
Some men probably don’t get how stressful marriage can be for a lot of women. Larger percentages of men reported infidelity than females. In fact some men feel entitled to multiple partners hence all the talk men do about polygamy.
Dealing with that and a lot of men still feeling entitled to a live-in maids/cooks instead of being willing to share household duties were some of the largest predictors. Also childcare is predominately still women’s responsibility. Combine all of this AND majority of women are in the workforce, plus loss of freedom and a lack of sexual satisfaction and that’s why a lot of divorced women don’t want to get remarried or are willing to get divorced even in their old age.
It’s kinda hard to talk about this stuff with men b/c egos make them so angry if you even mention some of the difficulties women might have in marriage. Men get offended if women are even happy outside of relationships so discussing this stuff can be tricky...hilariously so.
I’ll just watch this thread unfold tho.’m laughing at the utter truth of this post. No lies told.
I’ve told my husband plenty times, if we should ever become separated - whether by divorce or death - I’m good on remarrying...once has been enough for me lol.
You say this like you believe married men are happy. Men are just more socially conditioned to put up with unfortunate circumstances and hold the belief that we lose more in a divorce.Right a lot of we’re happier single but the world beats down on women for being single (look at @GodinDaFlesh post for example) so a lot of women rush into marriage and end up abused, cheated on, forced to work full time jobs AND expected to do all the housework on her own etc and they realize they were happier single.
Of course not all marriages are bad but obviously if women initiate 70% of divorces but supposedly women are SOOOO unhappy single there is something wrong with the marriage.
ITT women act like none of them ever seek attention from men lol
ITT "Living single is so great, lol who needs men?, so free to do whatever whenever, men need appointments just to check in, eat pray love, lol girl power.."
Meanwhile in the real world, during this quarantine, women have been coming out their frames like never before lol
Women who used to play it cool now just coming up randomly to have flirty conversationseven at work
IG Live and Snaps WAY more lit than ever before, have y'all seen what these women are out here doing
Oh but we're the ones who hate being lonely more![]()
Mad Max styleIf anarchy happens they're going to be food out here.
one is not like the other.![]()
We cant understand.Omg you guys are so sensitive. OBVIOUSLY a person that buys prostitutes isn’t the same as a serial killer. I didn’t think I needed to say that. I wasn’t saying they were the same. I was saying a lot of the time the reason they do those is out of loneliness/no feeing good enough. I assumed you guys would be able to understand that but I guess not.
Omg you guys are so sensitive. OBVIOUSLY a person that buys prostitutes isn’t the same as a serial killer. I didn’t think I needed to say that. I wasn’t saying they were the same. I was saying a lot of the time the reason they do those is out of loneliness/no feeing good enough. I assumed you guys would be able to understand that but I guess not.
We cant understand.
Because your wrong.
You dont understand what makes men tick.
Most guys that buy prostitutes are horny not lonely. Sure you get a couple that just want talk because they lonely but the vast majority just want to bust nuts.
And most serial killers arent murdering people because they lonely. Many lead extensive social lives and are good with women(Ted Bundy).
Your talking out your ass
so can women men just have convinced themselves that we need them to be happy because they need us.How many lonely men have become serial killers, rapists, mass shooters, frequent prostitutes,