Black Sinatra
Raised Glass to the Squandered Potentials..
You know what's wild? This harkens me back to a person I connected with via the PC game Civilizations by Sid Miers...the Xbox version. Turned out to be a 36 yr/old female Middle school teacher from Canada. We played like a hundred games over the course of 4 years or so. I was a bit younger then and it was a contrast by wide margins regarding our demographics and upbringing...even professions. She was Indian and French Canadian, quite conservative and religious and I was neither of those things...not a demon either tho. We eventually traded pics "mistake 1" and I'll admit to finding it difficult to not flirt afterwards....which I started to do "mistake 2." I was in a committed scenario at the time and this ate at me. I was more in the wrong and aggressive in the exchanges and eventually dissolved the contact for good measure. Other than myspace buddies.......myspace
Point being...I might have gained a lifelong friend of considerable compatibility had I been satisfied with her mind and not her assumed beauty. These things happen more often than I would think.
Point being...I might have gained a lifelong friend of considerable compatibility had I been satisfied with her mind and not her assumed beauty. These things happen more often than I would think.