Mad respect for Malcolm X ... I made a similar post in the last page before I saw your post
but since we brought up his autobiography we got to address something in this thread:
where does this "Malcolm x also sometimes had sex with men for money" stuff come from?
also I wish that King Malcolm in his autobiography gave his methods on how he handled the hoes when he was Detroit Red
Rodnell collins who may or may not be a reliable source,but gave a lot of the selacious material about Malcolm to these authors,he's Ellas adopted son
In the link I posted an author who interviewed Collins as a source put the gay for pay claims in his book back in the 90's well before the Marable book came out,but the media with they agendas currently decided to jump on it and put it out there more for black males on some "see malcolm x was gay too,so u can't be homophobic

But anyway,the author now says Collins was the source but he now is going to retract those gay claims,as Collins misrepresented himself and doesn't know if its reliable info
Collins also later was a source for Bruce Perrys book,and that book is even worse and says Malcolm was jacking off other little boys as a kid,had a relationship with a tranny and multiple gay lovers...says Malcolm burned down his own house without proof but just because supposedly Malcolms father was said to have done the same thing...also quoted a source that said Malcolm was killed by a drug syndicate...but when that source was later asked he says that's not what he meant in his book at all.
Bruce Perrys book is far worse as far as slander based off once source and has unreliable info throughout....Marables book basically quotes the same story as perrys...he doesn't really say Malcolm was gay but he implies it based off of unfounded shyt....the fact he had a relationship with Malcolm and seemed to love Malcolm makes what he did far more worse than the other authors even though he only implied it...because it appears more credible coming from him,even though its from the same unfounded source.
You'd think the FBI woulda found sumthin if X is fukin all these white men,or was jackin off other little boys non stop

...maybe its all true to,but u don't put that out there while nobody who would have first hand knowledge is there to validate it...but that's how rumors get passed off as fact,that shyt gets passed on.
Far as the Pac shyt,I've heard too many stories of how it went down...all stories say Pac didn't do it,but either sumbody picked the gun up and it went off by accident....also have heard one of pacs crew shot over the crowds head and Quaid was in the background and got hit
Its pretty clear it was Pacs gon though however it ended up going off...there's nothing knuckleheadish about having a gun and using it to defend yourself...but when the wrong person gets hit that's some horrible shyt and you have to take part of the blame....op obviously found out about this last week and this will be the new talking point for a while like his backupdancing was and hand manneurisms were a couple months ago

...they will back to telling us how he didn't bust his guns and was bytchmade tommorow,but today they got em shootin sidearmed into crowds killin kids and laughing about it on the way home.
Cops let him and his whole click go even with all those witnesses,and pretty much knowing the gun was obviously more happened then we know and I wish he was asked more about it...either way he was partially to blame and he said he felt bad about it,and the family worked out a civil suit...personally I feel he was partially to blame as it was his gun.
But we takin down statues now

...dude was goat at what he did,them statues ain't goin nowhere...I don't get why y'all so worried about how pac fans look at Pac...I could see if the rest of the world looked at em as a saint or something...but its pretty much just pac fans...just about everybody has some childhood icon or sumbody you fuk with in entertainment you can't tell them nuthin bad about...for some it might be Jordan or Kobe,might be Ali,Michael Jackson,luther vandross,Eminem etc