Cut the bullshyt
Women are calling themselves hoes and bytches all day in real life
You can take your funky ass to LSA and read the same language
Women are not allowed grace or respect just because they are women
This is that sucka shyt nikkas be talking about
Nobody wants women to be oppressed but the double standards
nikkas Will pontificate all day about how this music is indoctrinating young men but totally abscond hoe rap
Go Megan Go, shake your narrow ass every song
Make excuses for Cardi B drugging and robbing nikkas and then rapping about it
Keep the same fukking energy no matter the gender
Keep respect equal no matter the gender
You can’t expect men not say how they feel when we been called dogs, fukk bois, bytch nikkas, ain’t shyt, lazy and all other kinds of ad hominem names since birth
fukk outta here with this lame ass shyt
And if women really wanted love and romance
They wouldn’t go on these fukk ass podcasts calling nikkas lame because they brought her flowers and opened her car door
Walked on the outside while she walks on the inside on the street
If women really wanted love they wouldn’t shyt on half the population because they are short
They wouldn’t shyt on blue collar men
They wouldn’t shyt on a nikka without a degree but he works hard and is debt free
Most women just show up to a relationship and do no work
And the good ones don’t check the overly loud, proud and wrong women of society
Men always hold each other to task
That’s the difference
Goofy muthafukkas that post on here with this estrogen filled bullshyt perspective kill me