Lots I could write. Overall, it definitely is a key defining moment for millennials and youngest of gen x - Living my latter teens and 20’s in this “war on terror” world…just so much changed.
but one moment I did remember vividly is how in the weeks thru first few years after, for once, black Americans weren’t public enemy #1 for racist white America - I think I even remember a few interviews where some white nationalists and gun toting black dude were together and aligned on hating muslims. It was also my first HYON moment - not proud of it - but i wasn’t here for that community looking for black people to have their back or sympathize when they’d never been an ally to our struggle and in some communities, been apart of perpetuating racism against blacks. I was young but that was interesting having this moment where I was brainwashed into tribalism at the expense of thinking humanely