I am watching this Kamala speech and still questioning how she lost

All her speeches sound more presidential than Trump, but speeches only get you so far.
How she lost? Breh this isn’t a mystery.
First, the Dems fumbled by putting her on the 2020 ticket next to a broken down old man riding residual Obama energy.
Her polling was trash and they knew it but pandering to the black base was a priority since they saw what Hillary wasn’t able to do.
Biden fell apart way sooner than they expected and suddenly they had no real backup plan. Meanwhile Kamala was moving like an episode of Veep for 3.5 years under Biden.
She never ally captivated anyone in this country outside of people who wanted a “black” “Jamaican” “Indian” woman and you can get all of that in your crew of friends if they are diverse enough — but she wasn’t exactly presidential material.
Then you have whole chunks of democrats that folks kinda sorta didn’t rock with until it was time to rock the vote.
But ultimately she got beat fair and square as a very mediocre candidate.
You can’t be out here botching the border situation while people’s pockets are getting run DAILY for basic items like eggs and milk.