All these talking heads that have been pushing for Trump for months and months...I don't wanna hear a peep from them. All that 'both sides' talk, 'Trump ain't so bad', 'project 2025 isn't so bad', all those subliminals and minimizing Trumps words ............all that sh*t, y'all got your man, now go hold him accountable. I can already see the youtube videos and podcast topics in the coming months.....the rest of america and immigrants who voted for the got your cake, now eat it!
don't want no bytching or complaining if you don't like the consequences and repercussions.
" bro what about the economy.... "
Trump is president, go hold him accountable

" We need to have a discussion on what Trump just said about the border .... "
Go have a discussion with Trump, he's prez now

" Trump's latest policy just passed, here's what it means .... "
What it means is you'll be holding him accountable for it

All those internet talking heads (that I wont mention) made their bed ....