• Total voters


May 20, 2012
D.L. Hughley somewhat touched on this when biden was still in the race.

D.L. Hughley is going scorched earth on George Clooney for calling on President Biden to drop out of the presidential race, and he says Democrats are missing the big picture.


/search?q=#PresidentBiden /search?q=#DLHughley /search?q=#GeorgeClooney /search?q=#Lovelytitv

To post tweets in this format, more info here: https://www.thecoli.com/threads/tips-and-tricks-for-posting-the-coli-megathread.984734/post-52211196

D.L. Hughley GOES OFF on George Clooney for asking Joe Biden to drop from the presidential race

"if youre gonna have a conversation about how old he is, have a conversation about how old they want to take this country back to... George Clooney is not the man he was in Ocean's Eleven... im so tired of cowardly people... if you can vote for a convicted felon, I can vote for a cadaver..."

To post tweets in this format, more info here: https://www.thecoli.com/threads/tips-and-tricks-for-posting-the-coli-megathread.984734/post-52211196

Fear of Trump leaves a lot of people in paralysis, unable to pivot, criticize or push for better policies.

Had we listened to DL, we would be limping to Election Day with a deflated base instead of what we have now. A fully energized voting base breaking all kinds of fundraising records.

Hood Critic

The Power Circle
May 2, 2012
I said they're not working on an actual ceasefire because they admitted to it. The deal they're working on is a temporary pause with no commitment from Netanyahu to a permanent peace.

This is why for the life of me I don't understand why people continue to engage with you all on this topic. Absolutely none of it works how you all feel/expect it to work.


Big Jo

May 6, 2012
They need to get their ass to the booth. People 25 or younger are very unreliable. They'll talk shyt all day online about what they want or what needs to happen but their usual participation levels show that it's mostly for views/clicks..

that's the value in rallying right? and volunteering? even the social media blitzes Kamala's campaign has gotten so good at... to call to action, to "do something".

voter turnout is imperative yes... the Harris campaign is nothing else will be HAMMERING that every day until election day.

people 25 and younger are unreliable when it comes to replying on tinder lol but when its something like voting for a presidential election, a groundbreaking candidate they are excited about, i am not expecting it to be a particularly lackadaisical demeanor.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
@King Kreole I'm not quoting all of the tweets but I read them and the "activism 101" analogy is complete and utter nonsense. They threw a qualifier in there that said "the protestors have limited resources"....

That was their excuse for not protesting at Trump rallies. But here's the thing about that: Trump has been in all of the same cities/states that the Democrats have been hitting. Trump was in Milwaukee. Trump was in Pennsylvania.

The reason they threw that line in there was because they know it's true that they should be hitting Trump rallies as well.

I believe the reason why they aren't hitting Trump rallies is because they think it's "too dangerous" for them to go and that's an odd approach to all of this. Imagine a Trump rally gets out of hand where Trump is yelling at protestors (which he would) and MAGA is calling them all types of names (which they would), it would be THE story in every publication.
1. Trump has been getting protested by Pro-Palestinian groups, it just doesn't make the news because it's expected and not particularly newsworthy when a racist piece of shyt acts like a racist piece of shyt. There's no surprise there. There's complete alignment between harassing Pro-Palestinians and being MAGA. Someone posted a video of the two Muslim protestors at one of Trump's recent rallies who got escorted out. What is surprising when people and a party that are supposed to represent multiculturalism and human rights act like racist pieces of shyt. There's misalignment there, which is going to generate news and pressure to stop acting like racist pieces of shyt.

2. Pro-Palestinian protestors have been getting brutalized by police on behalf of Republicans and Democrats for months now, so to think that protesting a Trump rally is "too dangerous" for them doesn't make sense. The only person getting killed at a Trump rally was that dumbass firefighter. The Pro-Palestinian protestors there just get jeered and kicked out. Same as what happens when they protest a Biden/Harris event.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
They could have had people inside the convention relaying their word in a more "consensual" way and the message would have gotten across but if they are being confrontational (which I can understand considering the urgency) then it's logical nobody will allow them visibility.
This is what happens when they protested consensually and non-confrontationally within the convention hall. They're literally blocked from visibility.


New Hope For the HaveNotz
May 6, 2012
Buzz City, NC :blessed:
1. Trump has been getting protested by Pro-Palestinian groups, it just doesn't make the news because it's expected and not particularly newsworthy when a racist piece of shyt acts like a racist piece of shyt. There's no surprise there. There's complete alignment between harassing Pro-Palestinians and being MAGA. Someone posted a video of the two Muslim protestors at one of Trump's recent rallies who got escorted out. What is surprising when people and a party that are supposed to represent multiculturalism and human rights act like racist pieces of shyt. There's misalignment there, which is going to generate news and pressure to stop acting like racist pieces of shyt.

2. Pro-Palestinian protestors have been getting brutalized by police on behalf of Republicans and Democrats for months now, so to think that protesting a Trump rally is "too dangerous" for them doesn't make sense. The only person getting killed at a Trump rally was that dumbass firefighter. The Pro-Palestinian protestors there just get jeered and kicked out. Same as what happens when they protest a Biden/Harris event.
Where’s the proof of protests at Trump rallies? Or has Hamas leadership released new talking points in the email chain
Aug 21, 2014
Who is to say she is doing the bolded? The correct default stance towards politicians - who too many people forget are public servants - is skepticism and criticism, not assumptions they're doing the right things when no one is looking.
I agree, which is why I added the point about her constituents. I dont assume AOC is any more moral than the avg politician because plenty of well meaning people end up with power and they decay internally, but do you ever think that AOC watched some of the Progressives she came up with drop around her and then recalculated politically?

they're asking her to acknowledge the validity of the largest protest movement taking place right now and not uncritically regurgitate the bullshyt coming out of the White House
Has AOC never aknowledged the validity of the movement? This is a genuine question because I just assumed it'd be a cause she is vocal about. I'll do my own googles at some point but the other part of what you said, its not an unreasonable request but she was speaking as a Dem at the DNC, there was always gonna be a limit to how far she rocked the boat in that moment

There are tons of slogans in the pro-Palestinian movement, it's not too heady for the average person, she just made a calculated choice to not piss off the powerful.
Depends what you consider the average person and where these convos are happening. Theres a big reason so many outlets want Hamas = Palestinians and its not confusion on the issue. If AOC does nothing to advance an arms embargo through congress or never speaks on the issue then yeah its a problem, but if she does, are those actions invalid because she didnt speak to the validity of protesting while on stage at the DNC?

And they have Never Trumpers out there talking about how they endorse Kamala because the Democratic Party establishment respects Republicans more than they respect the left.
Agreed, but its also because they are putting more emphasis on appealing to moderates with their messaging, hence the light conversations on Gaza. You and I can find it stupid to reach out to moderate Rethugs but its the angle the Harris campaign wants to take

I don't disagree that Progressive messaging isn't always perfect, but this isn't about messaging
Not that I disagree with what you said after, but how do you propose we correct the history of white supremacy and overall racism in this country without winning elections? That is the issue with Progressive messaging, its not the message but how its contructed. You can make it as a politcian being anti Benny/anti genocide/anti zionism, but the more you draw attention to it the more you open yourself up to needless attacks and misinformation BEFORE youre elected. Lead with better paying jobs, lowering rent, higher quality of life and then include that youre Pro LGBTQ, Anti Genocide, and all the other social norms associated with Progressives

most critics don't care about the humanity of Palestinians and any messaging that doesn't align with their primary desire to hero-worship their Party leader will be denigrated.
Most Americans do not care about the plight of Palestinians. As you said, the US government did a great job of demonizing Arabic people and Islam, but even with that aside, the average American does not want America in business that doesnt "directly" impact Americans. It aint just Palestine either. People constantly bytch about their tax dollars being sent overseas. This is a wicked country full of wicked people, which is why you dont appeal to the emotions of monsters. The most important thing you said though, is this

If that is too much to ask her to do publicly, then she serves little use to the Progressive movement
If she is repping progressive policies and improving the quality of life for the majority then she is of vital use to the progressive movement. Who would you rather have in AOCs place? Someone with 97% of her same views but shoutouts the protesters on stage instead of not addressing it? Tell me breh, which politician in her district would you rather have in her place?

I also have to ask; are you writing to your representatives, going to your local political offices, attending town halls, working with grassroots organizers, or donating to Progressive candidates? Because if not, I dont think you have any place to speak on AOC's use to the movement


May 20, 2012
They don't really care about that. They don't want anyone to have any criticism towards the Democratic party. It's team sports to them.

Breh atleast sports fans call in to sports radio and rip into the team if they have a bad game or are not performing up to par. These dudes act more like pop star fan girls. It like dealing with Beyhive or Swifties.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
This is why for the life of me I don't understand why people continue to engage with you all on this topic. Absolutely none of it works how you all feel/expect it to work.

The people who are in the streets and protesting have more understanding of world affairs and history than the glassy-eyed flag-wavers chiding them about how childish it is to protest a children's hospital being bombed. We are painfully aware of "how it works". None of us are surprised that Joe Biden is continuing America's criminal and morally reprehensible foreign policy. None of us are surprised that "how it works" seems to change depending on the natural resources, geostrategic importance to American empire, or the skin color of the people being murdered. None of us are surprised that all the rules of "how it works" got thrown out when it came to Russia and Ukraine. The difference is that we're trying to change it and you have capitulated to that being the status quo in perpetuity.

But perhaps you can educate us as to how "working tirelessly for a ceasefire" works when you've just sent the party committing the atrocities an extra $20B in weapons. The Biden Administration has lost all credibility when it comes to resolving this conflict. My neighbor tells me he plans on shooting up a school and I tsk-tsk him while giving him access to my gun cabinet. A complete farce.