• Total voters

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
The ball she is playing is politics. I aint an AOC superfan so I dont know her track record overall on speaking on this issue, but who is to say she isn't leveraging her popularity publically and then working to achieve something greater behind the scenes? The purpose the DNC is not to get into the nitty gritty of the fukked up world affairs and how the current admin is enabling it, its political fast food for the average person. Its why they have Never Trumpers out there talking endorsing Kamala even if they disagree with most of her platform
Who is to say she is doing the bolded? The correct default stance towards politicians - who too many people forget are public servants - is skepticism and criticism, not assumptions they're doing the right things when no one is looking. They exist to be pushed and made demands of. The 21st century American political spectacle has voided the public of civic knowledge and history, so all we're left with is this uncritical adoration of politicians who "are on our team". It's stan culture run amok.

No one was asking AOC to bring out a map of Palestinian displacement and ethnic cleansing since the formation of Israel and hold a graduate-level IR seminar, they're asking her to acknowledge the validity of the largest protest movement taking place right now and not uncritically regurgitate the bullshyt coming out of the White House. If that is too much to ask her to do publicly, then she serves little use to the Progressive movement. There are tons of slogans in the pro-Palestinian movement, it's not too heady for the average person, she just made a calculated choice to not piss off the powerful.

And they have Never Trumpers out there talking about how they endorse Kamala because the Democratic Party establishment respects Republicans more than they respect the left.

The superhero shyt Im referring to is this ongoing obsession within Progressive political spaces of moral superiority. Benny and his boys are blood thirsty monsters, but you think the average American gets the nuances of whats happening there? Or even cares? I care that they're bombing innocent people, but I also care about a lot of shyt that doesnt move the needle for the avg voter here. So I vote for and support politicians that align with my beliefs, but many of them keep losing because their messaging fukking sucks despite being decent people with solid policies
Progressivism and Leftism is an ideology rooted in morality, as opposed to Neoliberalism which is an ideology rooted in market efficiency, so of course the former will appear moralistic to the latter. I don't disagree that Progressive messaging isn't always perfect, but this isn't about messaging, it's about the long shadow of American white supremacy and post-9/11 Islamaphobia giving people the permission to not care that their government is complicit in the genocide of Palestinians. Calling it a messaging issue is avoiding the truth; most critics don't care about the humanity of Palestinians and any messaging that doesn't align with their primary desire to hero-worship their Party leader will be denigrated.

If Trump took the exact same approach to Biden in this crisis, they would be rightly calling the protestors heroes and holding signs saying Trump a genocidal maniac.

At the end of the day this shyt is politics. Progressives are free to rebuke AOC but unless her constituency is very passionate about the plight of those in Gaza, it will not do shyt to her. We do not have a strong enough leftist presence in congress for her to let her nuts hang
I'm not sure she really has nuts anymore but otherwise agreed.
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May 1, 2012
Biden and Kamala both announce they are working on the ceasefire, Biden himself says they need to get it done ASAP... Everyone agrees that it needs to get done. They are working on it. Biden acknowledged everyone outside and said the protestors have a point and it's fair etc...

So what do they do? Start burning American flags the next day and fighting people....

There's a lot of GOP operatives in that crowd.

Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
Vile people.

One thing I have noticed about Republicans and conservatives in general is that they lack the ability to contextualize.
Well, why were HBCU's needed in the first place?
That's a question they don't have the ability to ask themselves.

Yes, they're mostly dumb and racist but their inability to put things into context makes them that way.
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Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
Biden and Kamala both announce they are working on the ceasefire, Biden himself says they need to get it done ASAP... Everyone agrees that it needs to get done. They are working on it. Biden acknowledged everyone outside and said the protestors have a point and it's fair etc...

So what do they do? Start burning American flags the next day and fighting people....

There's a lot of GOP operatives in that crowd.
You don't know what the terms of the ceasefire are.

Remember when they were using that "Temporary pause" language earlier this year? Its the same thing.

Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
Meanwhile outside

like forreal - WHY would anyone in the Dem party let alone Harris let themselves give a platform to a group of people who are basically saying fukk this country ???

at a convention that is supposed to be about getting people who arent inclined to vote for Dems to vote for Dems....

this is why all of this Pro Palastinian shyt is either an op or just deluded fukked up individuals who just have no real stake in whats important for this country or the people who suffer under Trump and the GOP in this country

they are just selfish destructive a$$holes.

If they really want people to empathize with their movement and nudge the Biden/Harris on a ceasefire this isn't the way to do it. I'm all for protests and think given the genocide happening is fully warranted. The problem with a lot of leftists is they lack strategy when it comes to playing politics and don't understand the importance of optics. Burning the American flag (which I honestly couldn't care less about) isn't going to draw in people in from the center. It just makes you look extreme to the average voter and potentially kneecaps any sway you'll have over elected officials.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
Biden and Kamala both announce they are working on the ceasefire, Biden himself says they need to get it done ASAP... Everyone agrees that it needs to get done. They are working on it. Biden acknowledged everyone outside and said the protestors have a point and it's fair etc...
The problem is...they are lying. They are not working on an actual ceasefire. Last week the Biden Administration approved $20B in weapons sales to Israel. It's a lie designed to get rubes to say "oh well, what else can Biden possibly do!" and make the Palestinian issue disappear from public consciousness so they can continue their Israel-First foreign policy in peace.

Jul 26, 2015
Can you tag me in that post, because I don't know what you're referring to.

Pretty sure you got the wrong post. I have no idea about out an of context 3 second sound bite used in a Trump ad. All I ever said is that they really grating and take niche stances that doesn't get elected in politics on top of the Newsdooming that they do.

I miss pre 2016 TYT badly more than anything. Just so bitter and kind of weird, now. Cenk has turned into a broken record and Ana just so embattled with the trauma from cyber bullies and stalkers. It's just not enjoyable to watch. I used to watch it everyday.

Pardon self breh, I double checked and it was in fact someone else. I thought it was you since you quoted my post referencing it first. My mistake on the mix-up.

But while my post incorrectly targeted you, the sentiment expressed is the same. TYT, even with all their growing faults, gets shytted on here primarily because they annoy liberals with their criticism of Dem leadership, not because anyone genuinely believes they are MAGA disciples.
May 1, 2012
They are not working on an actual ceasefire.

You're not in the rooms. Stop pretending to be. If nothing happens, you have every right to say "yeah, this is bullshyt..." but if you aren't willing to give it a chance then there's no point to the protests. You know that Republicans don't care at all. The only chance to get something done is through the left.

But also, protesting at the DNC but never protesting at Trump rallies is also a poor choice. The reason to protest at Trump rallies is to put more spotlight on how that side cares 0%, you don't want them in office.

It's very easy to get on the front page at a Trump rally. Show up, protest... he says some terrible things about Palestinians because he can't help himself and it's front page news.
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