• Total voters

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012

Biden winning 30% of the 18-29yo demo in a state where college kids lined up all night to vote for democrats in 2022 due to the Roe v Wade decision. From a reputable pollster. This is exactly what I'm talking about @No1. We either accept that we're living in historical times and witnessing a political realignment not seen since the Civil Rights Era or we admit nothing that has happened in the last few years (besides Roe v Wade) has had the type of social impact required to make these numbers logical.

If this was all happening post-debate I would at least say perhaps that explains it and Biden needs to go. But we've been seeing these type of crosstabs for MONTHS. It makes no sense. And while I def think Biden needs to go, this shyt still needs to be called out.


May 20, 2012
Multiple polls over the last few months have shown all the things I mentioned: Trump winning or barely losing the youth vote, Biden winning the elderly vote, black supporting under 80%, etc. None of this shyt is going to happen yet the media keeps pimping the polls. My argument is that they're deliberately running with shoddy work instead of admitting this will be the third election in a row with bad general election polling. And the main culprit is unlikely voters. If you didn't vote in 2016 or 2020 - two massive elections with major implications - why would I believe you're going to vote in 2024? And why would I allow a large percentage of those unlikely voters to influence my polls? Unless my media bosses want a certain narrative.

2022 was a perfect example of what's going on. Large groups of voters with zero intention of voting - be they right wingers or disillusioned liberals/leftists/etc - were constantly used to generate polls showing massive democrat losses, massive drops in Biden's popularity, etc. Aggregate pollsters even allowed fake polls commissioned by right wing groups to be added to models, resulting in even more data saying a "red wave" was going to happen. And then it didn't. And no pollsters lost their jobs, barely any admitted they were wrong. And the intelligentsia of online opinion makers who spent months celebrating an impending democrat slaughter didn't say much either, or admit they were wrong. Does any of this sound like it may relate to our current situation.......

(And I say this as someone who thinks Biden should step down and be replaced by Kamala, btw)

You are right, polling used to be a science, but now it’s mostly garbage. I don’t think Biden is losing by anywhere near what the polls show. The polls have Trump winning the popular and this is one of the biggest indicators that the polls are not accurate. No Republican president has won the popular vote since 2004. I still think Biden wins the popular vote by the same number as last time.
What should worry his supporters though is the thin margins in swing states that could easily tilt towards Trump given the waning Democratic enthusiasm. In 2016, Trump won Michigan by two votes in each voting precinct.

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
How do you explain in state after state, poll after poll, where the Dem Senate candidate is outrinning Biden by anywhere from 5 to 15 points?

Simple: Biden is a flawed, unpopular candidate who is running behind "Generic Democrat." In many states people don't know who their senators are, they just know they want a dem senator over a republican one. So the senate races are perfect examples of generic, faceless dems running ahead of Biden who is simply unpopular. Pre-debate I thought the end result of this would be a Biden +1 or +2 type election where he scrapes out a win thanks to MI/PA/WI.


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
How do you explain in state after state, poll after poll, where the Dem Senate candidate is outrinning Biden by anywhere from 5 to 15 points?
That’s a good question. I guess we can explain it like how @Piff Perkins mentioned. We are either witnessing a historic shift where people are going to vote for lower level politicians who will be immediately canceled out by Trump, or the polls are doing what they’ve been doing for the past 3 cycles (being wrong).

Smalley Biggs

May 27, 2012
Damn RFK better be ready for the massive backlash and blame after Biden loses. They will scapegoat him 100x more than they did Jill Stein in 2016. As if the democrats are entitled to all the votes that are not for Trump. They don't have to earn those votes or at the very least put forward a competent candidate.

Kyle C. Barker

Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Feb 5, 2015
That’s a good question. I guess we can explain it like how @Piff Perkins mentioned. We are either witnessing a historic shift where people are going to vote for lower level politicians who will be immediately canceled out by Trump, or the polls are doing what they’ve been doing for the past 3 cycles (being wrong).

I mentioned this about 2 months back as well.

It's just a voter profile that I haven't encountered.

It's one thing for a voter to vote for a generic Dem senator and a semi unoffensive Republican like Larry Hogan or Chris Christie but Trump is not that. Anyways that's just based on my feelsm n

Smalley Biggs

May 27, 2012
Have not been on twitter/x for a couple of years. Been browsing through the news the last few days and I really hope the people on X are just all the lunatics of our society gathered in one place and not an accurate representation of how people feel in the real world. Apparently anyone who wants Biden replaced due to his mental decline, massive unpopularity, dysfunctional campaign, etc. etc... they only want him replaced because they hate black women and are terrified of a black woman VP. Even the people who are calling for Kamala to replace him like Mehdi Hasan are being accused of this. Is X all bots and AI now? These can't be real people right?

Dameon Farrow

Jan 19, 2014

This has been my argument for months although I do fear the debate may blow everything up. Removing the debate from the convo though...the polls suggest Trump will win or come close to winning the youth vote, Biden will win the elderly vote, the lowest percentage of black people in decades will support the democrat, and Trump will somehow do better with women than previous republican candidates post-Roe. We've got two options here: either we've witnessing a historical realignment that hasn't happened since the 1970s OR the polls are wrong. To me the answer is obvious, the polls are wrong. Too many non-voters muddying samples, and perhaps the landline/cellphone split is resulting in a weird section of demographics getting more say than the average person in a demographic.


If this doesn't tell you the polls are bs nothing will.

Before I continue, @Piff Perkins we agree. Polls make zero sense and defy reality. Especially reality that we see once election days hit.

But I need to rant a little.

I can't wait until November. For elections going back as far as I can remember the elderly crowd tends to lean to the right in their voting. I'm talking about at election time. Actual results. The only time this has been shown to be different is with us. Our older crowd tends to stick to Democrats. If you see a poll saying Biden will take the elderly vote and Trump will snatch up the youth you need to flush that down the toilet. Nobody should have to tell you something is wrong with that assessment. And that debate is already becoming a non-issue. Only on TheColi and in the media do I see it still being discussed with any fervor. And it's fading in the media as the narrative turns to Project 2025 and, as I've said before, Biden is going to step down just because a few Democrats stood up trying to get attention by asking him to.

If the Republicans weren't so self destructive that debate might have sunk things. It really might have. In fact, if Trump had been more presidential and hadn't tried to court the conspiracy minded folks in his base regarding Covid, he would have swung to reelection easily. Easily. Any major event that happens in your term is supposed to breeze you to reelection. Just be a leader, get with your smartest advisors and handle that. This man was calling it Hong Kong flu and talking as serious as a Christmas Morning Heart Attack about drinking bleach. Covid sunk him. It sunk his ass. Talking about he got cheated. He and the gop were too stupid to see that not everybody outside of their circle shares their extreme views.

They are still this stupid.

Repealing Roe v Wade? Pissed off a large group of the voting public.

Trying to get IVF out of the paint? Pissed off a large group of the voting public. This is the most mind boggling political misstep I've seen in my lifetime. They were on good drugs going after IVF. It really showed that everything the Democrats were saying about them wasn't just conspiracy theories. They are really out to control a female's body. It was foolish politically. Beyond foolish and it will cost them states. Keep thinking it's a game.

January 6th? Pissed off a large group of the voting public.

Felony convictions? Pissed off a large group of the voting public.

Project 2025? Pissed off a large group of the voting public.

Claiming the 2020 election was stolen? Pissed off a large group of the voting public.

Notice a pattern?

When I say voting public I mean in part voters at large but I actually mean swing voters. You can't keep pushing those votes away and win on a national level. It's political suicide. This is very hard for many on here to understand. Partly because they are right wingers. And right now right wingers are in lala land and think simply because they know a group of like minded folks they'll retake the white house with ease.

They weren't enough in 2020. They never learned this because the conversation got muddied with , "It was stolen from me!" Wasn't shyt stolen. Dude just sucks as a person and as a President. That's a documented fact. They took all their mistakes and doubled down on them. They quadrupled down on them! And every time a poll comes out showing it's neck and neck or with Trump ahead the right wingers in here gloat and shout with glee! Polls! Polls! Look at my shiny new poll of 1000 people! Biden should just quit now! FOH.

You need swing voters. Republicans right now are just pushing full steam ahead with any bs that jumps in their head and thinks the country is just gonna fall in line with it. It's not going down like that. A whopping 50 million folks saw that debate. That's a poor showing. Majority of folks have their minds made up. Project 2025 is gonna push more and more of them away from the gop. So keep focusing on the polls all the way to November, fellas. You're in for a surprise.

Polls are design to seek out partisanship. They are a reflection of partisan views and opinions. That's how I know so few here have even taken one. They don't reflect the middle of the road. And the middle of the road will be the decider come November. That is scaring Trump right now. Trying to distance himself from Project 2025. Gop left and right trying to soften their stance on abortion. They know what's coming even if a lot of you closet right wingers in here don't.



Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
Simple: Biden is a flawed, unpopular candidate who is running behind "Generic Democrat." In many states people don't know who their senators are, they just know they want a dem senator over a republican one. So the senate races are perfect examples of generic, faceless dems running ahead of Biden who is simply unpopular. Pre-debate I thought the end result of this would be a Biden +1 or +2 type election where he scrapes out a win thanks to MI/PA/WI.

I think that may be the case in AZ with someone like Gallego running against Lake. But Baldwin has been in WI politics forever so incumbency is powerful there.

Damn RFK better be ready for the massive backlash and blame after Biden loses. They will scapegoat him 100x more than they did Jill Stein in 2016. As if the democrats are entitled to all the votes that are not for Trump. They don't have to earn those votes or at the very least put forward a competent candidate.

It'll be interesting to see how many of the swing states that RFK gets on the ballot in.

He'll be blamed worse than Nader. Especially since RFK is a life long Dem.

Worthless Loser

Oct 3, 2015
Trump should go full reality show with the VP pick. Line all the candidates up on stage. Then chose the one you want. Watch that person mark out while the others stand there looking stupid and disappointed, but forced to clap for the winner.