Our political system is fundamentally broken. I don't even see how this is a hot take. This nation is getting more polarized by the day.
There is not a slight difference in belief in this country, it is a gaping chasm that continues to grow. There is no coming together. EVERYBODY would be better off if we split this country into a bunch of smaller ones where people can get what they actually want.
Why is this viewed as radical thinking?
You’re gonna go to the grocery store or Best Buy tomorrow and have a perfectly pleasant interaction with someone who voted different than you. You’ll wave someone on in traffic or smile at their dumb little kid as they walk by, perfectly nice people in our day to day interactions, sometimes they vote different than us.
A Republican is gonna get his coffee tomorrow from a barista w/ purple hair and they’ll be just fine.
Peoples politics are not their persona. And the internet is not real life.
If you wanna say the political landscape is more divided than ever? Cool, go for it. But talking about civil war just isn’t a real thing
The countries politics are divided, but overall I think the country will be fine. We literally went through this in 2016 and were all still here.