• Total voters

Joe Sixpack

Build and Destroy
May 11, 2012
Rotten Apple
Don’t be sure who you are going to vote for in October of the year 2024 of our lord and savior @Jesus H. Christ when Donald Trump is on the ballot, higher learning brehs

We got muthafukkin Donald Trump on the Ballot!!

Jesus Christ

Is @mastermind Lord Jamar???


King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
If you want to reach you can always over simplify a political figure or event as the symptom of an underlying disease or an event. Do you say Hitler was the disease or the symptom of an underlying system/ condition?

At some point you have to step outside of the realm of mental masturbation and reckon with the problem in front of you. Is it more important to understand why someone got cancer or to remove the cancer from that person’s body once it’s detected?

:dahell:Hitler was absolutely a symptom of a material/historical conditions of post-WW1 German economic deprivation due to the Treaty of Versailles as well as the long, deep undercurrent of centuries of European antisemitism. That's...like the mainstream consensus of historians for decades. No one serious considers him some extraterrestrial figure who invented the Holocaust as alien technology. But this is a load-bearing difference we see between the two main camps in this thread. On the one side we have people who refuse to apply systemic thinking to current political/ideological problems and are myopically and maniacally only focused on the flame currently in front of their face, and on the other side we have people who are curious about the underlying conditions that keep causing these fires all around us. So when the latter group says "Hey, it's actually bad that Kamala is sanitizing/normalizing Republicans and arming the genocide against Palestinians" the former group lashes out at them like the doctor who told the emphysema patient to stop smoking. If you don't have the mental aptitude to apply systemic thinking and connect smoking to lung disease, it just looks like the doctor is telling you to stop enjoying yourself.

In my opinion Trumpism is a b*stardization and malignant mutation of the Republican Party prior to 2016 it wasn’t the natural evolution of it. If Trump would have been defeated in 2016 then America would be way more sane today because his special brand of conspiratorial warped view of reality to placate his narcissistic mind wouldn’t have been co-opted by an entire party.
Yeah this is the operating belief of Resistance Liberals who weren't politically aware prior to 2016 when Trump activated their political consciousness. Being historically illiterate is the only way one could look at the Republican Party pre-2016 and think that it was trending in a significantly different direction than it has ended up right now. The conspiratorial thinking you're referencing is one of the most deeply embedded features of not just Republicanism, but the American mind itself. Hofstadter wrote The Paranoid Style in American Politics in 1964. This is the Party of Joseph McCarthy and the John Birch Society. Trump didn't invent any of this shyt. If you want to blame any one figure, blame Mark Zuckerberg.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
@King Kreole 's "moral conviction" led him to support Donald Trump, a man who was obviously amoral, obviously despicable, and who clearly lacked the character traits to be President.

I need to stop wasting minutes of my life arguing with this clown :wow:
Yeah you clearly view politics through a child's lens if you think there were any moral actors in the 2016 election or use language like "the character traits to be President" as if it's not an office of inherent villainy.

I don't see any point in debating with people who view the President and politicians as parents instead of tools.


Nov 1, 2015

Nothing says that your economic policies are shyt quite like your stock going into such a freefall while you're talking to the Economic Club of Chicago that they had to halt trading. Losers gonna lose, I guess!

/search?q=#TruthSocial /search?q=#TrumpIsUnfitForOffice /search?q=#HarrisWalz

To post tweets in this format, more info here: https://www.thecoli.com/threads/tips-and-tricks-for-posting-the-coli-megathread.984734/post-52211196

Big Jo

May 6, 2012
I know the polls are all over place and widened, tightened etc. but based on these early voting data, mail and absentee ballot updates is it reasonable to assume Kamala is a strong favorite to win? I am trying to understand what the VoteHub reporting really means if anything. It seems encouraging

Hood Critic

The Power Circle
May 2, 2012
Not sure who I’m voting for, but I am also not going to blindly vote for people because they have the right letter beside their name. That’s fukking stupid. If you geniuses think that’s the way, then continue. Telling someone to shut up about an important issue like supporting a genocide is a large reason why these politicians don’t listen to us now. They know we have no backbone.

Or they know that they don't have the power you believe them to have.

If we're being serious, an arms embargo paired along with a full throated condemnation of the Israeli government's actions, and as a cherry on top of Biden publicly calling Netanyahu a lousy motherf*cker who should be replaced immediately - would not satisfy your goal. Only an immediate end to the aggression and occupation would.

The US government only has 2 potential options to accomplish that goal:

1. The US military is put on the ground to oppose the Israeli military.
2. The Israeli leadership is "removed". This option is a pathway to option #1, its a declaration of war based on the very sovereignty bestowed on them by the West.

At that point, do American Jews side with their country or with the land they believe to be theirs purely based on their own faith that is only shared by a subset of the global population?

Your goal isn't flawed. The path you believe gets you there is.


Aug 14, 2012
Yeah you clearly view politics through a child's lens if you think there were any moral actors in the 2016 election or use language like "the character traits to be President" as if it's not an office of inherent villainy.

When you voted for a man who was willing to bribe a foreign leader with weapons to frame a presidential candidate with lies or flame supporters with fake accusations that the election was rigged and to subtly imply they act out violently to help him then yes it’s clear people who saw two actors and one being less moral then the other that’s not observing anything through a child lens.

The people that voted against Trump are right to do so


New Hope For the HaveNotz
May 6, 2012
Buzz City, NC :blessed:
:dahell:Hitler was absolutely a symptom of a material/historical conditions of post-WW1 German economic deprivation due to the Treaty of Versailles as well as the long, deep undercurrent of centuries of European antisemitism. That's...like the mainstream consensus of historians for decades. No one serious considers him some extraterrestrial figure who invented the Holocaust as alien technology. But this is a load-bearing difference we see between the two main camps in this thread. On the one side we have people who refuse to apply systemic thinking to current political/ideological problems and are myopically and maniacally only focused on the flame currently in front of their face, and on the other side we have people who are curious about the underlying conditions that keep causing these fires all around us. So when the latter group says "Hey, it's actually bad that Kamala is sanitizing/normalizing Republicans and arming the genocide against Palestinians" the former group lashes out at them like the doctor who told the emphysema patient to stop smoking. If you don't have the mental aptitude to apply systemic thinking and connect smoking to lung disease, it just looks like the doctor is telling you to stop enjoying yourself.

Yeah this is the operating belief of Resistance Liberals who weren't politically aware prior to 2016 when Trump activated their political consciousness. Being historically illiterate is the only way one could look at the Republican Party pre-2016 and think that it was trending in a significantly different direction than it has ended up right now. The conspiratorial thinking you're referencing is one of the most deeply embedded features of not just Republicanism, but the American mind itself. Hofstadter wrote The Paranoid Style in American Politics in 1964. This is the Party of Joseph McCarthy and the John Birch Society. Trump didn't invent any of this shyt. If you want to blame any one figure, blame Mark Zuckerberg.
1) exactly my point. If you allow yourself to mentally masturbate enough you can figure out a cause or underlying condition for any person or event in human history. As a matter of fact cause and effect is a law of our universe, you can trail it back to the origin of life on our planet. To say Trump is a symptom and not patient zero for his brand of politics is just sane washing Trump.

2) I disagree, you don’t go from Bush to McCain to Romney to Trump and think that Trump isn’t some type of abnormal mutation. Trump makes Romney look like a liberal democrat.