This is a really stupid, half-baked analysis built on historical illiteracy. You see Trump as the disease because you have partisan blinders on, I see him as the symptom of a diseased system and history that extends beyond him.
If you want to reach you can always over simplify a political figure or event as the symptom of an underlying disease or an event. Do you say Hitler was the disease or the symptom of an underlying system/ condition?
At some point you have to step outside of the realm of mental masturbation and reckon with the problem in front of you. Is it more important to understand why someone got cancer or to remove the cancer from that person’s body once it’s detected?
In my opinion Trumpism is a b*stardization and malignant mutation of the Republican Party prior to 2016 it wasn’t the natural evolution of it. If Trump would have been defeated in 2016 then America would be way more sane today because his special brand of conspiratorial warped view of reality to placate his narcissistic mind wouldn’t have been co-opted by an entire party.