• Total voters

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
this keeps coming up - over and over- Sanders was an independant for years and ONLY sought the nomination because he felt it was "unfair" that Hillary shouldnt be challenged for the Dem nomination. Early on the only people who would give Sanders press for this gambit were FOX and Hannity.....the irony

Everything I just shared was from the 2020 election, why are you even talking about 2016?

But what you say isn't accurate about 2016 either. Sanders had numerous legitimate policy disagreements with Clinton and didn't think she would take the country in the right direction.

we got Trump not because Hillary was so bad it but because Sanders was so selfish....... and/or an unrealistic ideologue and he did more to split dems and make it possible for Clinton to lose .....again proving the point that a lot of conservatives make which is that Liberals can absolutely be relied upon to sabotage themselves.....

This is pure lies. There is ZERO evidence that Sanders was the reason Clinton lost. In fact, Sanders voters supported Clinton at a HIGHER rate in 2016 than Clinton voters supported Obama in 2008.

Sanders ran a positive campaign that never stooped to the level of negative attacks that Clinton used against Obama. Remember...

1. It was CLINTON who claimed that Obama wasn't connecting with “hard-working Americans, white Americans"

2. It was CLINTON who used the "Lyndon Johnson was more crucial than MLK Jr for civil rights" argument to make a racial attack on Obama

3. Tt was CLINTON who pushed the idea that Obama was friends with terrorists, a line of attack repeated by Palin in the general election

4. It was CLINTON who pushed the red telephone ad claiming that Obama wasn't competent the protect the country, an ad McCain reused in the general election

5. It was CLINTON's campaign co-chair who first attacked Obama's past drug use

6. It was CLINTON who first started mocking Obama's use of the words "change" and "hope"

7. It was CLINTON who first attacked Obama for voting "present" some of the time

8. It was CLINTON who pushed the narrative that the media was always biased in favor of Obama

9. It was BILL CLINTON who said that Obama was just another Jesse Jackson

10. It was a CLINTON supporter who started the Birther movement claiming that Obama was born in Africa

11. It was a CLINTON supporter who leaked the "cling to guns or religion" audio where Obama criticized white working-class voters

12. It was a CLINTON surrogate James Carville who said on Easter that Dem politicians who endorsed Obama were the equivalent of Judas betraying Jesus

13. It was CLINTON who pushed the Jeremiah Wright controversy and tried to make Americans afraid of a Black pastor, saying "You don't choose your family, but you choose what church you want to attend" and "I think given all we have heard and seen, he would not have been my pastor."

14. It was a CLINTON campaign committee member (Geraldine Ferraro) who said that Obama was only winning the primary because he was Black

15. It was CLINTON who didn't suspend her campaign until the final primary of the year

Look in the fukking mirror.


Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Also, this is a chart of Hillary Clinton's net favorability. It peaked in 2012 and continued dropping consistently for the next 5 years. If Bernie was the reason she lost, then wouldn't there have been a visible drop when Bernie entered the race, or when he started attacking her? (which he never really did)


Bernie Sanders didn't say he would enter the race until April 30th, by then Clinton's net favorability was already at -10. He didn't even officially announce until May 26, and he didn't release his first campaign ad until November 1st. And he repeatedly refused to attack Clinton directly, NOTHING like how Clinton repeatedly attacked Obama in 2008.

Clinton lost because she was an unlikeable candidate who ran a terrible campaign and most Americans didn't support. She had every institutional advantage possible (the party, the media, the funding, and a terrible opponent), and still lost. Blaming Bernie for that is nonsense.

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
this keeps coming up - over and over- Sanders was an independant for years and ONLY sought the nomination because he felt it was "unfair" that Hillary shouldnt be challenged for the Dem nomination. Early on the only people who would give Sanders press for this gambit were FOX and Hannity.....the irony

we got Trump not because Hillary was so bad it but because Sanders was so selfish....... and/or an unrealistic ideologue and he did more to split dems and make it possible for Clinton to lose .....again proving the point that a lot of conservatives make which is that Liberals can absolutely be relied upon to sabotage themselves.....
are you fukkin kidding me? on what planet was it NOT unfair that hillary didnt get challenged for the '16 nomination? :mjlol:what the hell did she do to earn that, besides lose to obama in 08? an uncontested 1-person primary, coming off the momentum of the most popular democrat in history?

and maybe a candidate who hadn't bought the primary would have campaigned in wisconsin in the general :scust: