Nation literally watched them storm the capitol. Noone is taking them lightly but this is still America. Can't arrest folks for no reason. Well on paper you can't.Jesus the Christ this is grim.
And you're right, mainstream is failing at adequately informing the American public about how extreme MAGA is.
And yet and still Sanders hasn't won a nomination - so if all the things you say were in his favor why isn't he sitting in the Whitehouse instead of Biden? Why is it he isn't running to contest Biden ? Why is there no grassroots drive to nominate him?Also, this is a chart of Hillary Clinton's net favorability. It peaked in 2012 and continued dropping consistently for the next 5 years. If Bernie was the reason she lost, then wouldn't there have been a visible drop when Bernie entered the race, or when he started attacking her? (which he never really did)
Bernie Sanders didn't say he would enter the race until April 30th, by then Clinton's net favorability was already at -10. He didn't even officially announce until May 26, and he didn't release his first campaign ad until November 1st. And he repeatedly refused to attack Clinton directly, NOTHING like how Clinton repeatedly attacked Obama in 2008.
Why Bernie Sanders won’t take the gloves off against Hillary
Hillary Clinton’s top rival for the Democratic nomination refuses to attack her
Bernie Sanders’ Refusal To Attack Hillary Clinton Isn’t Just Principled—It’s Political Genius
The democratic socialist is taking a stand by running a clean campaign, and it’s already making a big impact on the race for
Bernie Sanders: People are sick of hearing about Hillary Clinton's "damn emails"
The senator from Vermont wins over Clinton and the debate audience -- and possibly Donald Trump -- with his reaction to the Clinton email
Clinton lost because she was an unlikeable candidate who ran a terrible campaign and most Americans didn't support. She had every institutional advantage possible (the party, the media, the funding, and a terrible opponent), and still lost. Blaming Bernie for that is nonsense.
At this point folks just gotta accept the Dems can't do anything to get 45-49% of the population to vote for them no matter what
Criminal behavior
Health care
Clean water/air
Straight up racism
None of it matters. The goal posts keep getting moves.
Them folks got Medicaid cause of the Democrats and they still talking shyt. Ain't NOTHING, NOTHING they can do to convince these folks they're killing themselves with the GOP. And if you think I'm lying
Bothsider babble. You literally hit every mark. Not fooled. Probably blackfishing too with that corny try hard username.And yet and still Sanders hasn't won a nomination - so if all the things you say were in his favor why isn't he sitting in the Whitehouse instead of Biden? Why is it he isn't running to contest Biden ? Why is there no grassroots drive to nominate him?
The fact is Dems didn't do what Republicans continually do which is get out and vote for thier candidate in 2016
And its seemingly the case now that dems go on and on they want someone new - the only Republicans saying they want someone besides Trump are Nikki Haley who comes in 2nd running against no one ...if the choice isn't Trump
You can cite all the exit polling and think pieces but at the end of the day we have a conservative court for the next 20 to30 years not becuase Hillary was so horrible its because dems spent 2016 masturbating over a fantasy that a old guy that retreated to Vermont for the last 30 yrs somehow was the answer and when he wasn't picked dems sat on their hands and this asshat Trump appointed 3 justices and packed the bench with Neanderthals...
And then dems want to be surprised - Roe got overturned - AA is all but done - they are attacking Voting Rights ....all shyt they said they were gonna do and they did.
I'm not a GOP supporter at all - they are bunch of a$$holes ....the kind of a$$hole that Trump exemplifies which is why he is leading - but I will call.a spade a spade and the only thing Dems do right is to do everything possible to do the wrong thing and spend time infighting and sabotaging each other for " likes "
Yeah but he’s not winning the general election… He’s been a negative for the Republicans in the general for a long time now…Can anyone even envision what a 2nd trump term will be like? I couldn't even with his first and it was worse than I could have imagined.
And he will be handed (once again) a strong economy which he will take credit for and eventually destroy again. Both Biden and Obama were handed messes and they cleaned it up. Trump like the entitled a$$hole he is inherits what others have done. It's his life story.
At this point folks just gotta accept the Dems can't do anything to get 45-49% of the population to vote for them no matter what
Criminal behavior
Health care
Clean water/air
Straight up racism
None of it matters. The goal posts keep getting moves.
Them folks got Medicaid cause of the Democrats and they still talking shyt. Ain't NOTHING, NOTHING they can do to convince these folks they're killing themselves with the GOP. And if you think I'm lying
Welp that settles it.
The fact that the gop got waxed in 2020 and at the following midterms means nothing. It all boils down to these people in these videos.
Let's just hang it up.![]()
The idea that you win elections by passing good laws is a fantasy that progressives will try sell you on and criticize Dems for
It’s simply not reality